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Inertial Invites

If a werewolf bites a vampire, what happens?

Anonymous poll


Vampire explodes
Werewolf explodes
Both explode
Everything explodes
Werewolf and vampire fall in love
Vampire pregnant with wolf baby
Werewolf's teeth fall out
Vampire and werewolf swap curses
Vampire becomes werewolf
Werewolf becomes vampire
Both are cured
Both become mummies
A million geeks orgasm as one
Find out this summer in theaters!!!
966 people voted.
Voting ended 2 May at 20:53.

@intransitivelie They fall in love and everyone is happy! 💕

Inertial Invites

It explains why you so rarely see werewolves and vampires biting each other.


@intransitivelie I'm imagining them having little werebats together. 🥺

Inertial Invites

Me too! 🥰 This needs to be a cute cartoon or something. If only I could draw...


@intransitivelie @Kalshann Hey Kalshann, wanna draw a werebat cartoon, LOL?


@timberwraith @intransitivelie

Tis' not great; but it tis a thing?

I wasn't sure where you were going with the were-bat-man-vampire-wolf thing so I kinda let a stream of consciousness decide:


@Kalshann @intransitivelie LOL, I think we were going for cute and adorable but this is pretty entertaining!


@timberwraith @intransitivelie
Bat-baby is cute! I'd snuggle with them and make sure they had a warm bottle and stuff! (though babysitting for a werewolf or vampire parent does not seem wise...?)

timberwraith replied to timberwraith

@Kalshann @intransitivelie I guess babysitting for them would involve having known them for a while and trusting them?

They might be a nice, mellow hippy creature of the night family? They get their blood and freshly slain meat from the local co-op, special order.

Kalshann replied to timberwraith

@timberwraith @intransitivelie
I'd just worry that one bad day you end up being the babysitter *and* the grubhub delivery!

timberwraith replied to Kalshann

@Kalshann @intransitivelie 😆 Hmmm. That could present detrimental logistical concerns.

Inertial Invites

@Kalshann @timberwraith
Bat-yuppie is more than I could have ever possibly hoped for 🤣

Hilde Austlid

@timberwraith @intransitivelie There's a cute fanfic with this plot (well, vampire bites werewolf, werewolf bites back) at

“Okay, so. What happened is, you just proposed,” Natasha says. “And he accepted.”
The last of Steve’s buzz flattens out like week-old Prosecco. “Proposed?”
“That’s generally how neck biting works for moon-oriented creatures.”

(toot edited to fix broken link)

@timberwraith @intransitivelie There's a cute fanfic with this plot (well, vampire bites werewolf, werewolf bites back) at

“Okay, so. What happened is, you just proposed,” Natasha says. “And he accepted.”
The last of Steve’s buzz flattens out like week-old Prosecco. “Proposed?”
“That’s generally how neck biting works for moon-oriented creatures.”

Trojan Duck

@intransitivelie Werewolf Explodes put out some great records

Orange Lantern Allowing only one vote on this is kinda mean, tho. ^^

Alice :neocat_trans_cute:‮ undefined behavior, don't touch either of them afterwards or the world may collapse

Inertial Invites

@unworthyBeatrix I'm realizing that, for this crowd, "NaN" should have been an option. Possibly also "Universe throws underrun exception." 😅

Inertial Invites

The climactic moments of Van Helsing 😅

Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:
@intransitivelie I like reading this poll as a plot summary, "Werewolf bites a vampire. Vampirewolf and werevampire happen, then they expolde and everything explodes, then they fall in love, get curses swapped, are cured, become mummies. Watch the latest part of <<Vampire and Werewolf>> in thears this summer!"
Inertial Invites

I did consider offering a "Vampire slaps werewolf for being a bad doggy" option.

KayleeSerenada 🥀✨

@intransitivelie this is actually the plot of an Elder Scrolls Online dungeon, except instead of a werewolf it's a dragon.

The vampire becomes a dragon, but it's too much power and the dragon blood overtakes him in an epic finale

Inertial Invites

Huh. I wasn't aware that draconicity was transmitted by bite. Fascinating!

KayleeSerenada 🥀✨

@intransitivelie TES lore puts it in the blood (the Dragonborn for example), but there's no disease effect like lycanthropy.

Inertial Invites

So the vampire gets bitten by the dragon and becomes a dragon? Sorry, I'm invested now 🙂 I don't play video games because I'm terrible at them, so I miss out on a lot of neat stuff, I know.

KayleeSerenada 🥀✨

@intransitivelie other way around :) The vampire drank the dragon's blood to gain the dragon's power. If you're unfamiliar with TES, it's worth noting that dragons are a form of deity - immortal, magically super-powerful, but still physical. (Vampire are blessed by a different type of major deity). The vampire in this story found a dragon who had grown weak and was trapped under a pile of rubble, or there was no way he would have ever gotten close

And there was something about it being "pure" dragon's blood. Vampires who munch on the Dragonborn (your playable character in Skyrim, who has the "blood of a dragon") don't seem to gain Thu'um (dragon magic) like you have, but the Dborn will still become a vampire.

Anyway, this is now a long diversion from your poll question 😅

@intransitivelie other way around :) The vampire drank the dragon's blood to gain the dragon's power. If you're unfamiliar with TES, it's worth noting that dragons are a form of deity - immortal, magically super-powerful, but still physical. (Vampire are blessed by a different type of major deity). The vampire in this story found a dragon who had grown weak and was trapped under a pile of rubble, or there was no way he would have ever gotten close

Inertial Invites

Ooooooh, okay, that makes total sense! That's neat!

And I like diversions and fun stuff, so I'm glad you shared it with me 🤗

Zorro Notorious MEB 😡

@intransitivelie This sounds like one of the oral arguments at the Supreme Court this morning.


@intransitivelie as you can see in vampire diaries, the bite poisons the vampire and the vampire dies slowly while having hallucinations

Inertial Invites

Neat! That's an angle I've never seen before.

Inertial Invites

She's a vampire slayer, not a werewolf slayer. Seems a bit out of her remit.

ein kleines z

@intransitivelie I somehow imagine how the werewolf turns away in disgust because vampires taste gross and dry and then the vampire dissolves into dust

Inertial Invites

Maybe vampires taste like leather chew toys though... 😅

Lime Bar

A Werehuman.

That's a vampirewolf ( see #1) that turns into a normal human once a month on the new moon, and remains in wolf form the rest of the month feeding on the blood of wolves.

#tigerblood for no reason.

ꜱᴛᴇᴇʟ ʀᴀᴛ ɢᴀᴍᴇʀ


I always thought Vampires were undead and sustained themselves with the blood of the living. Which would make them very resistant to pathogens since they could just go "Dry" for a bit, and eradicate any infection.

I would think the werewolf wouldn't like biting one since it would be like a corpse and taste horrid.

For the reverse. The idea that a non-vampire can become one via bite from a vampires makes no sense, it would mean exponential growth

Inertial Invites

Yeah, I've never subscribed to the idea of vampirism as a pathogen communicated by bite. Even if vampires don't need to eat very often, it just doesn't make sense, as you say. So vampirism is often made out to be something that must be consciously transferred, as in Anne Rice books. Still, if a werewolf ingests vampire blood, does that count?

I think vampires are mostly immune to pathogens for the same reason dead bodies are: they're dead. But lycanthropy isn't a traditional virus, typically. If it's "contagious" at all. Some lycanthropes aren't. So maybe a werewolf can't turn a vampire, but can a vampire turn a werewolf?

Yeah, I've never subscribed to the idea of vampirism as a pathogen communicated by bite. Even if vampires don't need to eat very often, it just doesn't make sense, as you say. So vampirism is often made out to be something that must be consciously transferred, as in Anne Rice books. Still, if a werewolf ingests vampire blood, does that count?

Pat Riot

@intransitivelie The Vampire gets hairy at night and loses his ability to attract beautiful women.

Inertial Invites

You are woefully misinformed if you think there aren't plenty of beautiful women who are attracted to werewolves 😅

Bishop Whitewind

@intransitivelie It is the first two. It had happened I think in The Originals. I may be mistaken because there's like 700,000 vampire shows but I'm absolutely sure that's the answer.
I believe her name was Haley. You're welcome internet.

Inertial Invites

Sorry, in this house we worship our lord and savior Hugh Jackman As Van Helsing 😅

ErosBlog Bacchus

@intransitivelie Vampire becomes werewolf because, all other things being equal, cute and fuzzy wins every time.

Inertial Invites

This is pretty good reasoning. I like it 😅

Inertial Invites

I keep meaning to do just that and never getting around to it. It seems like just my kind of movie, but the stars just won't align for some reason.


@intransitivelie In the Bulgarian mythology they are nearly the same thing, so nothing.

Inertial Invites

Now this is the hard-hitting Bulgarian mythology news we all needed to hear! 😅

RS, Author, Novelist

@intransitivelie A werewolf if a cures on the living. A vampire is undead, so it a swing and a miss by the werewolf.


@intransitivelie The werewolf vomits and subsequently dies from diarrhoea.

Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie ... "the same as if the vampire bites the werewolf" [Mac09], but unluckily the researchers documenting this were killed by the vampires and werewolves held in cages before they could write what exactly it was. The paper was published posthumously¹.

¹ one of those words I have to C&P from the dictionary to avoid typos.

Inertial Invites

Bringing the receipts and everything! I salute your academic research 😉

Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie I have more info about why they had to buy such crappy cages due to budget cuts, how the ws and vs were "contained" after they escaped, and some details on how the government has managed to cover it up!


@intransitivelie There was a Vincent Price movie that went over all the monster combinations! It even gave names to the vampire-werewolf and the vampire-ghoul.


@intransitivelie wolfbat or horny fanfiction. Or horny wolfbat fanfic

Inertial Invites

I almost made "furry porn" one of the options but it seemed like a joke at the expense of furries, which was not my intention. I like your version much better 🙂

Bernd Paysan R.I.P Natenom 🕯️

@intransitivelie An Igor hath to thew the miththing partth of the vampire on again.

Inertial Invites

I can hear this exactly as written 😂


@intransitivelie May I introduce you to VvWW by a creative team that substantially overlaps the one behind Oglaf?


@intransitivelie the vampire will be a werewolf, too. Is that a wolvampire then?

Carl Muckenhoupt

@intransitivelie I know I've seen movies where a werewolf gets killed and immediately returns to human form. So death undoes werewolf transformation. I posit that the vampire would be technically under the werewolf curse, but be too dead to ever actually transform.

In other words, it's like the question of whether vampires can ever get married (clearly no, it's "til death do you part")

Cabia Rangris

@TheKinrar can we get polls as long as that one is, please?~ 👉👈

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