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Inertial Invites

Huh. I wasn't aware that draconicity was transmitted by bite. Fascinating!

KayleeSerenada 💖✨

@intransitivelie TES lore puts it in the blood (the Dragonborn for example), but there's no disease effect like lycanthropy.

Inertial Invites

So the vampire gets bitten by the dragon and becomes a dragon? Sorry, I'm invested now 🙂 I don't play video games because I'm terrible at them, so I miss out on a lot of neat stuff, I know.

KayleeSerenada 💖✨

@intransitivelie other way around :) The vampire drank the dragon's blood to gain the dragon's power. If you're unfamiliar with TES, it's worth noting that dragons are a form of deity - immortal, magically super-powerful, but still physical. (Vampire are blessed by a different type of major deity). The vampire in this story found a dragon who had grown weak and was trapped under a pile of rubble, or there was no way he would have ever gotten close

And there was something about it being "pure" dragon's blood. Vampires who munch on the Dragonborn (your playable character in Skyrim, who has the "blood of a dragon") don't seem to gain Thu'um (dragon magic) like you have, but the Dborn will still become a vampire.

Anyway, this is now a long diversion from your poll question 😅

@intransitivelie other way around :) The vampire drank the dragon's blood to gain the dragon's power. If you're unfamiliar with TES, it's worth noting that dragons are a form of deity - immortal, magically super-powerful, but still physical. (Vampire are blessed by a different type of major deity). The vampire in this story found a dragon who had grown weak and was trapped under a pile of rubble, or there was no way he would have ever gotten close

Inertial Invites

Ooooooh, okay, that makes total sense! That's neat!

And I like diversions and fun stuff, so I'm glad you shared it with me 🤗

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