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Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie I should be working, you know...

OK. The scientists were obliged to chose between less individuals or less security. They were hit by a massive budget cut that impacted all academia, but their Institute decided research in Vs and Ws was not that important. Luckily they had already figured out how to kill them before that. Which leads us to...

Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie Luckily Vs and Ws didn't want really much, only for the research to stop (not to self: never research on species intelligent enough to fight back). They killed the whole staff (luckily it was a weekend, so only 30% of the researches and non of the support people were present) and fed on them for a few days. One of the undergrads managed to escape and prevent authorities. Cops and military were sent there. It was a carnage until the same ug manage to explain how to kill them.

Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie The government lied saying there was a group working with some non airborne virus which leaked, so they closed the institute without much fuzz. Families were paid for their silence (which negated any savings gained by the previous cuts!), but their history is still spoken about, and we're waiting for someone with nothing to lose to open the lid and let the whole affair out.

... or it could all be just rumors. :shrug:

Marcos Dione

@intransitivelie there's lots I have left out, like how fear of paper rejection drove that individuals vs cage quality desition, or how the it took the undergraduate days to prove what she was saying, mostly because she was the only witness and the story was too wild. Some even say she was dismissed because she was not male. There doesn't seem to be many records, so who knows...

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