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@mike @GossiTheDog I don't know this Ubuntu patch might not suit everyone. They might want to try >.>

Yaksh Bariya

@xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog I think this is the problem with us folks, we dont keep our nerdy nitpicks to ourselves, but will try to lead new users who have no idea how their computers work into this rabbithole to why XYZ distro is better than ABC. We should just have 2-3 choices for new inexperienced users, but how many do we have? From 1 (Ubuntu as the de-facto), we have went to 3+ (Ubuntu, Mint and Fedora).


Yaksh Bariya

@xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog We should just instead agree on to only suggest these handpicked ones and let users pick one based on their initial impressions of how they look and feel out of the box. I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.


Yaksh Bariya

@xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog Similarly for Fedora, we can say that it includes another application store which can be used to also install some apps available for Ubuntu's. Additional info about why it is possible and how can be added after it for the smelly nerds like us.

Just pointing out how we can do better to introduce absolute begineers to the amazing world of FOSS! Feel free to constructively criticize me.



I always recommend Linux Mint because it looks most like Windows.

They have also solved the problem of needing a terminal for OS version updates, so it's become really easy to use.

Accessibility can still be a blocker for some people though.

@CodingThunder @xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog


@CodingThunder > I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.

I believe that's why it's so hard to agree on this stuff.
From my PoV, Ubuntu is as bad as Windows, given the issue we're discussing. Snaps are not just "slow", they've found malware on it (IIRC.)

I wouldn't recommend Ubuntu to new users.

@CodingThunder > I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.

I believe that's why it's so hard to agree on this stuff.
From my PoV, Ubuntu is as bad as Windows, given the issue we're discussing. Snaps are not just "slow", they've found malware on it (IIRC.)

This Old Hiker

@GossiTheDog @xbezdick @mike Is that Fedora distribution intended for either Mac or PC? I have a second MacBook old enough that its usefulness is becoming limited.

John Griffith

@Patrickoldhiker @GossiTheDog @xbezdick @mike

FYI, I'm running Mint Linux on a 2011 Intel MacBook Pro upgraded with a SSD. Runs perfectly and everything works.

Battery life might not be as good as under OS X. It's hard to say given the age of the machine

Nikelui Better yet: (or any other Linux distro, really). Lately Ubuntu is going down a path that reminds me too much of Windows for my liking.


@mike @GossiTheDog unfortunately I need to actually work with my computer... Linux system is unsuitable for anything than running Linux, so this won't do me any good.

I don't get any salary for searching workarounds for basic tasks.


@fionor @mike @GossiTheDog your personal discomfort with the operating system is not an objective truth about its capabilities. Anecdotally I use exclusively Linux for work


@Skelemental @mike @GossiTheDog putting numbers in sheets is pretty easy on Linux. Even on Android. Or paper.

I work with video. Editing software for Linux is beyond shitty. And pretty much every tool I need to use don't exist for Linux or it is decade behind professional needs.

I understand that server admin circle-jerks feels good, but since Linux is unusable for actual work with actual data, it is basically proprietary trash to make entitled nerds feel special...


@mike I run Windows in a VirtualBox on top of Linux, for those pieces of work software that aren't available. That setup is probably too nerdy for the average person though.

@fionor @Skelemental @GossiTheDog


@gunchleoc @mike @Skelemental @GossiTheDog Workarounds are precisely the reason why I don't want to deal with Linux.
It adds unnecessary layer of complexity destined to introduce plethora of errors and bugs in tasks that are already very complex and prone to cause problems...

Windows and MacOS systems are not ideal, but they fit easily to professional workflow. Linux doesn't.


@fionor It all depends on what type of work you're doing, and on how much time you can invest into learning new tools. E.g. is produced entirely on Linux, including typesetting a printed art book. So, while it doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean it can't work for anybody else.

@mike @Skelemental @GossiTheDog


@gunchleoc @mike @Skelemental @GossiTheDog There os this mysterious thing called industry standard... Linux ain't it.


@fionor For my translation work, I decided to go against the industry standard tool and bought a different tool that is much better, and can import and export the other tool's file format. So, I can swap data with my colleague who uses the industry standard tool.

It's still on Windows though.


@fionor @Skelemental @mike @GossiTheDog And yet, VFX software for Linux is amazing and regularly handles intense data (geo, volume caches, and yeah, even frames and muxed video).


@fionor @Skelemental @mike @GossiTheDog 😂 you made my day. Everyone I know who used to run a Linux Desktop (myself included) has moved on to Mac.

H.Lunke & Socke

@fionor @Skelemental @mike @GossiTheDog i am sorry to tell you, not not really, that you use the proprietory trash

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️


I dunno... this could be just a PEBKAC thing too. :eyeroll:

@Skelemental @mike @GossiTheDog

Ian Sudbery

@Skelemental @fionor @mike @GossiTheDog

Yes, but when it comes to the average user, personal comfort with the operating system is far more important than it capabilities (and I say that as someone who uses both Linux and Windows desktops on a daily basis).


@IanSudbery @fionor @mike @GossiTheDog I did not make the objective claim that Linux is better or suitable for all or even the majority of users. I said anecdotally I use it for work, which means the original claim that it is unsuitable for work is false. It very well may be unsuitable for that persons work, but that is not what they stated

Diane 🕵

@fionor @mike @GossiTheDog

Linux can work for a a workplace. Google had been using their own distro for a while, and a few EU cities or government departments have tried switching.

Though for the migration to work, it requires a fair amount of planning and IT help desk support. Just telling someone here use Linux will likely fail.

Libreoffice has some documentation on how to improve the chances of a successful migration

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