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Yaksh Bariya

@xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog We should just instead agree on to only suggest these handpicked ones and let users pick one based on their initial impressions of how they look and feel out of the box. I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.


Yaksh Bariya

@xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog Similarly for Fedora, we can say that it includes another application store which can be used to also install some apps available for Ubuntu's. Additional info about why it is possible and how can be added after it for the smelly nerds like us.

Just pointing out how we can do better to introduce absolute begineers to the amazing world of FOSS! Feel free to constructively criticize me.



I always recommend Linux Mint because it looks most like Windows.

They have also solved the problem of needing a terminal for OS version updates, so it's become really easy to use.

Accessibility can still be a blocker for some people though.

@CodingThunder @xbezdick @mike @GossiTheDog


@CodingThunder > I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.

I believe that's why it's so hard to agree on this stuff.
From my PoV, Ubuntu is as bad as Windows, given the issue we're discussing. Snaps are not just "slow", they've found malware on it (IIRC.)

I wouldn't recommend Ubuntu to new users.

@CodingThunder > I think we should stop going into details like Ubuntu ships with "snaps" which are known to be slow. Instead we can just introduce them like, "Ubuntu comes with a builtin software store to install any application you want",.

I believe that's why it's so hard to agree on this stuff.
From my PoV, Ubuntu is as bad as Windows, given the issue we're discussing. Snaps are not just "slow", they've found malware on it (IIRC.)

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