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Aral Balkan

“I don’t understand why everything is so fucked up and we seem incapable of fixing any of it!”

This is because you believe you live in a democracy when you actually live under capitalism.

(And it is functioning exactly as designed.)

PS. Not your fault; you’ve been taught your whole life that the two are complementary when they’re diametrically-opposed.

#capitalism #versus #democracy


@aral I'd be very curious to hear how democracy without capitalism could be structured (putting aside for now the more interesting question of how the corresponding transition from the current state would happen).

The closest to a response I can think of is the ideas of Cornelius Castoriadis, but as many other things in life, it shows that the problem is that it's us not doing enough for a change:


@mapto @aral

one example is democratic confederalism by councils and delegates look at Michael Albert, or Occelan/Bookchin.

The question of how to get there is a more important and is the same question, someone could give you a structure, but in a true democratic space that means nothing because it is the democratic principle which will define the structure in real time.

If people don't participate and define their own freedom, they are not free at all.

Matthew Daly

@mapto @aral Did you ever read Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, or the loose sequel 2312? There were some good ideas in that.

Brendan Jones

@mapto @aral One of the various forms of economic democracy is most likely imo. See

So many variations possible, like


@mapto @aral
Democracy without capitalism can be structured through decentralized decision-making processes, where communities collectively participate in shaping their own social, economic, and political systems. This could involve direct democracy, worker cooperatives, community councils, and decentralized planning mechanisms, all aimed at ensuring equal participation, collective ownership, and democratic control over resources and decision-making.


@Radical_EgoCom @mapto @aral I would also add that I want democracy without authoritarianism.


@aral I've been thinking about the first job I liked. It was at a non-profit and the team was strong on cooperation. Ten plus nationalities in a group of around 30 people, which means people need to communicate clearly and ask rather than assume, and the colleague who trained me on one task said 'it's not I do this, you do that, it's we do it together. we help each other'

and I want to believe that with this mindset and such skills (ask, help) we can fix things (and yes, overthrow capitalism)


@aral What we are experiencing is not capitalism. It is state sponsored profiting. There is no healthy competition of individuals who want to make profit. Megacorps + state doing large scale business...


@aral It is the soviet system West version..


@soupisgood @aral
What we're witnessing is indeed a form of capitalism, albeit one heavily influenced by state intervention and collusion with mega-corporations. However, this is not an aberration but a natural consequence of capitalism's tendency toward concentration of wealth and power. True capitalism inevitably leads to monopolies and oligopolies, stifling healthy competition and perpetuating inequality.

canleaf08 ⌘ ✅

@aral A fix is never intended. People only see a week ahead and vote for fascists.

Bruce Cloutier


“I don’t understand why everything is so fucked up and we seem incapable of fixing any of it!”

I started reading thinking you were referring to technology. But in that case one would need to realize that it is fucked up in the first place let alone understand that it gets worse with every update and product release. Won't turn out good for civilization.

I imagine that someplace there are always coders using phrases like "it's good enough for government work".

...actually, the system cannot be fixed because the entire world system of govt, including legal, etc. ['control'] is the adversary's design, as this deficient, temporal, material cosmos is his, he created it, and his 'chosen', the professed satanist religious group members and their ilk, with the assistance of demon goat so-called 'leaders' run his show using all kinds of satanic, demonic created plots, e.g.-'money' for one - the system of printing from nothing, current[energy/power]-sea[over the masses] clown paper they all chase after, generating all kinds of personality traits of satan [greed, hate, murder, lying, selfishness, arrogance, false sense of power, etc.] - they own and control all of them, east, west, north, south, middle, but no worries, temporal, coming to a close...

The Secret Book of John

(The Apocryphon of John)

Translated by Stevan Davies

Three Plots against Humanity

They brought into being
Gold and silver,
Money and coins,
Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.

And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
And were greatly misled.
And grew old
Experiencing no pleasure,
And died
Finding no truth,

** the masses will never 'vote'/'vow' [etymology] their way out, no matter how hard they 'vote'/'vow' - Mr. T is also not who many think he is, beware to the Many:
...actually, the system cannot be fixed because the entire world system of govt, including legal, etc. ['control'] is the adversary's design, as this deficient, temporal, material cosmos is his, he created it, and his 'chosen', the professed satanist religious group members and their ilk, with the assistance of demon goat so-called 'leaders' run his show using all kinds of satanic, demonic created plots, e.g.-'money' for one - the system of printing from nothing, current[energy/power]-sea[over the...
Space Hobo Actual

@aral I know I keep dropping into threads to say this, and I have it in my profile, but it's important to think of "Capitalism" not as "free markets and stuff". It's actually a political system of rule-by-investor: those with the capital make the laws and pressure the executive arms that enforce them.

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