...actually, the system cannot be fixed because the entire world system of govt, including legal, etc. ['control'] is the adversary's design, as this deficient, temporal, material cosmos is his, he created it, and his 'chosen', the professed satanist religious group members and their ilk, with the assistance of demon goat so-called 'leaders' run his show using all kinds of satanic, demonic created plots, e.g.-'money' for one - the system of printing from nothing, current[energy/power]-sea[over the masses] clown paper they all chase after, generating all kinds of personality traits of satan [greed, hate, murder, lying, selfishness, arrogance, false sense of power, etc.] - they own and control all of them, east, west, north, south, middle, but no worries, temporal, coming to a close...

The Secret Book of John

(The Apocryphon of John)

Translated by Stevan Davies

Three Plots against Humanity

They brought into being
Gold and silver,
Money and coins,
Iron and other metals and all things of this sort.

And the people who were attracted were led astray into troubles
And were greatly misled.
And grew old
Experiencing no pleasure,
And died
Finding no truth,

** the masses will never 'vote'/'vow' [etymology] their way out, no matter how hard they 'vote'/'vow' - Mr. T is also not who many think he is, beware to the Many:
