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Martin Ruskov

@aral I'd be very curious to hear how democracy without capitalism could be structured (putting aside for now the more interesting question of how the corresponding transition from the current state would happen).

The closest to a response I can think of is the ideas of Cornelius Castoriadis, but as many other things in life, it shows that the problem is that it's us not doing enough for a change:


@mapto @aral

one example is democratic confederalism by councils and delegates look at Michael Albert, or Occelan/Bookchin.

The question of how to get there is a more important and is the same question, someone could give you a structure, but in a true democratic space that means nothing because it is the democratic principle which will define the structure in real time.

If people don't participate and define their own freedom, they are not free at all.

Matthew Daly

@mapto @aral Did you ever read Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, or the loose sequel 2312? There were some good ideas in that.

Brendan Jones

@mapto @aral One of the various forms of economic democracy is most likely imo. See

So many variations possible, like


@mapto @aral
Democracy without capitalism can be structured through decentralized decision-making processes, where communities collectively participate in shaping their own social, economic, and political systems. This could involve direct democracy, worker cooperatives, community councils, and decentralized planning mechanisms, all aimed at ensuring equal participation, collective ownership, and democratic control over resources and decision-making.


@Radical_EgoCom @mapto @aral I would also add that I want democracy without authoritarianism.

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