How much do you like mapping? Do you map every day? Do you WANT to map every day?
Inspired by other streak-tracking tools, from Pascal's HDYC to github, I have made a simple game: submit a changeset every day, and gain points. A bonus point if you do the task.
The healthy thing would be to reach several hundred points and drop this. Please make breaks in your mapping! Tomorrow I'll show you how I did it.
After two years of mapping, I noticed how OSM took over the major part of my life. So I've turned to programming, because technical solutions are the best, I mean, easiest.
"No more mapping" JOSM plugin, once installed, prevents JOSM from launching. Given at the moment the only alternative was Potlatch 2, which was sub-par for JOSM fans, it essentially blocked all mapping.
A few days later other developers deleted the plugin and its source code from the JOSM repository. Still remember that.