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Chumchum Tumtum

@QasimRashid the boomers didn't close the door, the ruling class did. Which generation of the ruling class did what is of little consequence, and for intergenerational bickering to take place among the working class is simply not productive. The boomers did what they could, with what they were given. Information was much harder to come by, in their times, and the evidence of their environment led them to believe that reliance on the government and corporations would lead to a good world


@JPinNV @fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid there is still an upsetting proportion of working class boomers who, while not responsible for the massively increasing inequality, still refuse to acknowledge it and would rather blame their kids for actions taken by their government.
I once had an argument with a boomer lady who insisted "We did our activism and you lazy kids lost all our gains. Asking us to stand with you now is you falling for divide and conquer, cause we're too old and tired to care.'


@Vincarsi @fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid And who does this attitude benefit? Not the so-called boomers, but the very wealthy.


@JPinNV @fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid Sure, but pushing back against change, even if the change would be to their benefit and even if they've been essentially brainwashed into believing corrupt authorities over the younger people they claim to love, still makes them complicit.
I don't think the "OK boomer" stuff is necessarily unproblematic, but the form of pushback against it belies an entitlement to never have to be called out by people they see as beneath them.


@fcktheworld587 @Vincarsi @QasimRashid I don’t doubt that some attitudes can be mapped onto generational demographics. I just think that cultivating resentments between “generations” distracts from the true sources of (and responsibilities for) gross inequality, and so distracts from ways to address it.

Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Kushner: none of these guys are “Boomers”, but surely love it when we get so twisted about how the old folk have screwed us over & forget about taxes.


@fcktheworld587 @Vincarsi @QasimRashid But enough out of me. I’m hoping @QasimRashid will be very successful!


@JPinNV @fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid My point is that characterising pushback against an entitlement that actively prevents collective action as "cultivating resentment" is exactly the kind of dismissive attitude that once again places the onus on young people to solve the problem without upsetting the people who stubbornly refuse to change even their view of their own, grown children as people with valid opinions instead of clueless children.


@fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid yes, but there's a difference between "you're just lazy fucks as opposed to us" and "we didn't know any better, we did the best we could".

It's like ... I could maybe forgive my parents for hitting me - but where I draw the line is the stubbornness of them insisting I should hit my kids for better results...


@fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid Boomers put Ronald Reagan and 2 Bushes in the White House and Neil Gorsuch on the SCOTUS that’s all it took.

Peggy March

@fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid Boomers worked crap jobs to give their children an education and safe and secure lives (just like the generation before) in the face of political turmoil and corporate greed. We didn’t feel entitled to anything. Just worked with/through whatever conditions existed.
A shift came later-80s/90s focus on celebrity, business, culture of “me”, then exacerbated by SM and a general erosion of values. Threw systems out of whack.

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