@JPinNV @fcktheworld587 @QasimRashid Sure, but pushing back against change, even if the change would be to their benefit and even if they've been essentially brainwashed into believing corrupt authorities over the younger people they claim to love, still makes them complicit.
I don't think the "OK boomer" stuff is necessarily unproblematic, but the form of pushback against it belies an entitlement to never have to be called out by people they see as beneath them.
@fcktheworld587 @Vincarsi @QasimRashid I don’t doubt that some attitudes can be mapped onto generational demographics. I just think that cultivating resentments between “generations” distracts from the true sources of (and responsibilities for) gross inequality, and so distracts from ways to address it.
Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Kushner: none of these guys are “Boomers”, but surely love it when we get so twisted about how the old folk have screwed us over & forget about taxes.