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Charlie Owen

Open Source is fascinating. Imagine a pastry chef who spends all day making pastries at work going home to make pastries in the evening. Imagine them wandering around giving these pastries to others for free. Imagine them finding out their free pastries are a huge part of a local company’s lunch offering. Imagine the company complaining because the chef doesn’t make enough pastries for them. Imagine the chef staying up all night making them more pasties instead of just telling them to fuck off.

Charlie Owen

Open source is wonderful. It’s also full of people who could get actual compensation for their work if they just downed tools and went on strike.


Better yet:
Establish a UBI so that society compensated them for their work rather than binding them tighter to a scarcity-based capitalism


@hunkyscotsman @whalecoiner

Establishing UBIs? Yeah that's been hard.

The UBIs themselves?
It hasn't been tried on a large enough scale yet, but the evidence from the trials that have been done is very encouraging:

NosirrahSec 🏴‍☠️

@dingodog19 @hunkyscotsman @whalecoiner that's not a real person you're replying to. He's sucking off Elon in numerous posts.

David Megginson

@dingodog19 I agree. My concern is what happens the first time we introduce UBI on a macro scale, big enough to potentially start a cycle of high-inflation/needing-to-boost-UBI/high-inflation/…

I think the best way to prevent that will be to recognize that UBI at scale needs to be wealth redistribution — we'll have to increase taxation significantly on the most-affluent n percentile to dampen their non-essential spending and offset new (essential) spending by the least-affluent n percentile.


I think those things happen at the same time. Increased taxes (like a minimum percentage tax) could offset the UBI, making it neutral on the money supply.

David Megginson

@dingodog19 Just so. At least here in Canada, we didn't do that during COVID. The temporary income-support benefits like CERB were critical, but because we did nothing to offset that increase in the money supply at a time when supply chains were already wobbly (i.e. no additional supply to meet increased demand), we ended up with high inflation that we're only now bringing under control.

We could take that as a macro-economic lesson in how not to do full UBI when the time comes.

David Megginson

@hunkyscotsman wrote


So you want to try communism 2.0

No. I want to improve our current mixed public/private economic system by introducing UBI to replace a big part (not all) of our inefficient, high-overhead mishmash of targeted income-support programmes, and make our taxation a little more progressive to reduce the risk of inflationary pressure. This is all classic Keynes, not Marx



Its more Marxist than Keynesian...

If you could implement either UBI or universal healthcare, which one would you choose?


@dingodog19 @whalecoiner

We just did the biggest experiment of UBI during covid. Look where that got us.


@hunkyscotsman @whalecoiner
Tell it to Stanford, they are the ones that actually did the work.

Do you have any substantive critique of their work, or you just Know Stuff?


@dingodog19 @whalecoiner

1. Most of those experiments were not randomized controlled studies.

2. Many of them were income or needs based.

3. They are not "universal"... Hence why I asked if you have an understanding of macro economics and not micro economics.


@hunkyscotsman @whalecoiner
None of those things are denied by the paper, so they don't of themselves undermine the conclusions.

Unless you can point to a logical mistake they made.

So what is your substantive critique?


@dingodog19 @whalecoiner

Your link was bad so I'm not sure which paper you are specifically referring to.


@hunkyscotsman @whalecoiner I see you didn't read it before commenting. Figures.

Let me know when you are up on the literature

DELETED replied to dingodog

@dingodog19 @whalecoiner

I read their website, hence why I know how they conducted their studies. I just don't know what paper you are specifically referring to.

But initially I find it amusing that the conditions of the "research" they did, somehow doesn't invalidate what their "research paper" concluded, or is it really just an opinion piece?

Mitsunee | 光音

@dingodog19 @whalecoiner UBI should not be the "reward" for working for others for free. You should still get compensated for your time lol


@mitsunee @dingodog19 @whalecoiner itd still be a huge step up from needing a whole other job just so the capitalist system deems you worthy of food tho

Carl AM

@dingodog19 @whalecoiner This is actually a pretty good argument for UBI.

Quinn Norton

@whalecoiner most open source is made by people paid handsomely.

Martin Owens :inkscape:

@quinn @whalecoiner

That, depends on how you count it.

The Linux kernel? Yes.

Webserver tools? Mostly yes.

User land libraries: no

GUI applications: hell no


@quinn @whalecoiner

I’m gonna have to throw the [citation needed] flag on this play.

Elenna :verified_transgender:​

@quinn @whalecoiner you live in a fantasy world, so I guess there's not much point arguing.

Massa 👽 Humberto

@quinn @whalecoiner HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA nice joke, really funny

@whalecoiner sadly the more likely outcome is that someone else reuploads/forks...
Stuart Longland (VK4MSL)

@whalecoiner Maybe…

Or maybe the commercial world will go… ahh well, time to pay for another Windows license then.

And Microsoft will laugh all the way to their bank's website.


well, it's a bit complicated tbh, somce the main users of open source software are:
1. corporations who want to save every penny
2. people who can't afford proprietary tools


@lily @whalecoiner with respect, there are people that use OSS because they can't ethically justify using proprietary tools. Is not about the money.


i mean true, but that doesn't change my point.

Aedius Filmania ⚙️🎮🖊️


Or just people could be living without needing a paid job.
I'm doing some code over night because on my daily and paid job i'm coding so much bullshit when I don't have meeting.

Marcos Dione

@whalecoiner Not a bad idea. Part of the balance of going on strike or not is the missed paid days. But if you're not paid at all, then there's no loss.

Now, thinking of the outcomes of such things, we should have many:

* People stop using your package, which could be good for shedding unused dependencies.
* Some rando forks it and takes over. This is definitely dangerous, and kinda facilitates what just happened here.
* You actually gain leverage and get paid.

Sorry, no conclusion here...

@whalecoiner Not a bad idea. Part of the balance of going on strike or not is the missed paid days. But if you're not paid at all, then there's no loss.

Now, thinking of the outcomes of such things, we should have many:

* People stop using your package, which could be good for shedding unused dependencies.
* Some rando forks it and takes over. This is definitely dangerous, and kinda facilitates what just happened here.
* You actually gain leverage and get paid.

Von Xylofon

@whalecoiner Either that, or there's an idea by an oss dev I heard some time ago where they develop what they need, and if you want a feature developed or fixed, you pay. I'm quite partial to that. I have a few bugs in various projects that I'd pay to have fixed, but those devs weren't exactly enthused by the idea.

Charlie Owen

I’m not sure what my point was with these posts. Apart from simply: “you’re not obliged to give your time away for free” and “big companies will ruthlessly exploit you when you do”.

Anyway, it seems to have agitated the hive.

*puts down phone, drinks tea*

Peter Brett

@whalecoiner Thanks for flushing out at least one account to block.

Theodore Painsworth


That's the thing isn't it? Time isn't treated the same way as other resources. We think we have plenty enough to give away. Capitalism pivots on that idea.

Because the pastry chef isn't just spending time. They're spending money on supplies. That's of course why that doesn't happen.

Charlie Owen

Thank you to Dr Jim (@eatyourgreens) for reminding me that all the above is my true calling in life. ❤️


@whalecoiner "Help the people. Ignore corporations."

Joel Wirāmu, Pauling



I always considered the pastries dumpster dived. Like the throw aways at the end of the day. If you have beef goto the people who hawked you the pastries from the dumpster


@whalecoiner I think this only sounds absurd because the comparison is wrong: you should compare it to an artist doing arts, or a mathematician doing maths.

I. E. LaBailey I see you've worked in food service before as well? Damn that bites.

1st Amendment Abuser

@whalecoiner Open source is what keeps my hopes alive for humanity. Something more private, more secure and some cases works better than equivalent of their proprietary softwares and it's... FREE. Truly awe inspiring.


@whalecoiner And then someone comes up and says "Hey, I can make pastries too! I'll help!' and the chef's like "Awesome! You make pastries now, and I'll make more when I come back!" And the chef goes home. When the chef returns to work he finds the pastries are all done but there's a note that says one is filled with poo.

And that's how vulnerabilites happen.

James Britt


The worst customers are often those getting it for free.

Blake Leonard

@whalecoiner I charge for supporting corporate/proprietary projects: "pay me or no support for you." Or at least I would if anything I made were of interest to a company who wanted my support.


@whalecoiner Normalize open source developers reminding free-loading companies that their software includes no warranty and guarantees and to go away.

Assigned Catgirl At Birth i went for a job interview once where they seemed to think doing open source stuff was required to be a good developer.

im just like, this is a job to me, i go home and i absolutely do not touch code

食 Shoku the MN Wolf

@whalecoiner I would personally tweak the analogy a little bit and say it's like a professional test chef who develops a recipe for pastries and then gives that out for free. Anyone else can make the pastry from what she wrote, they can modify the recipe to their liking, they can include the recipe in more complicated dishes.


@whalecoiner Seems like this chef has some mental issues

Alexander The 1st

@whalecoiner Imagine the chef gets their family to help make the extra pastries, and then when one of the pastries turns out to have onions in it, the company's employees get shocked and surprised, and then the company says "How could that have happened?".

And then people get mad at the chef, even if it turns out their child put an onion into one of the pastries by accident.

Or because one of the company's employees requested one, and it ended up that all the pastries had onions that day.


What about the spy (state or corp)? Adding a pill in the food to track the people who ate, and even control their reaction at some time... They have the worst role in the game.


Chef should tell them to fuck off or charge them for the pastries.


@whalecoiner Yeah, but then comes the neighbour at 3AM knocking on the door shouting that he is allergic to cinnamon.


@whalecoiner I once worked for a company that used foss throughout it's products, while actively campaigning against foss in it's industry. Couldn't make it up.

David Bureš

@whalecoiner And then, when the chef starts charging the companies for the pastries, but still gives them away for free to everybody else, a huge part of his clientele starts bitching about how he broke the spirit of free and open pastries and they can no longer support him 🤦‍♂️ And also that unless he lets everybody exploit him for free pastries, he’s not actually a free and open pastry chef, is as bad as the companies, and should just close up shop (speaking from experience here)

Paiusco :fosstodon: :linux:

@whalecoiner is this a situation to review licenses? I don't see any other way to improve it other than maybe improving the amount of contributions back to the repo?

Woahpe Open source is amazing. Imagine a pastry chef who makes this fantastic pastry that is beloved by many. This chef can't quite keep up with demand, so they openly distribute both the pastries and the recipe to make them. Now people everywhere have easy access to the pastries, or at least something similar.


@whalecoiner Open source is great for people who want to share, who want to contribute to the community, to the world, who put the common good before their own. Those people the world needs. Sharing is the solution, in source, food, protection and freedom.


@whalecoiner might be one of the best things on the Internet I’ve seen

Frank Hightower

@whalecoiner Imagine if the humans in ratatouille could understand the rat. Now imagine the expert chefs arguing with the rat about the recipe.


@whalecoiner Don't ignore the satisfaction that the chef gets from making great pastries; making them the way *he* thinks they should be made, rather than having to make the way a salesman who has never baked anything in his life thinks they should be made. The salesman doesn't care about quality, taste or beauty at all. He cares only about the profit.


@whalecoiner I make open source for other developers, not for big companies.

big companies can either pay me money or eat my ass

Lesley Carhart :unverified:

@whalecoiner @campuscodi that’s probably happened somewhere because late stage capitalism, but well made point nonetheless


@whalecoiner Imagine that, by making pastries for their own benefit, their pastries also, without any further work of their own, benefit others. Imagine that, by making their pastries available, they can gain the insight of other expert pastry chefs from all over the world on how the pastries can be made even tastier.

Ben Zanin

@whalecoiner I feel like this post was written with @tripofmice in mind specifically

Mandar Vaze (desipenguin)

@whalecoiner Imagine local company suing the chef because pastry lead to food poisoning 😉


@whalecoiner Yeah I'm starting to think that chef might have an addiction to working.


@whalecoiner The difference is, that the chef isn't baking them for free, but gives everybody access to the recipe. They may and have to bake themselves.

Comparing IP to Stuff always fails as the difference is not the supply but the access - not the material but the knowledge. The company is complaining that the recipe isn't detailed enough so their sold pastries are not as good as the free ones. But the free ones are banned to bring into the lunch place for the customers of their meals.

Rich Felker

@whalecoiner The difference is that software is part of power dynamics; pastries aren't. We make FOSS *despite* bad folks also being able to use it, because the alternative is that corporations control everything that mediates everyone's relationships to the modern world. Without granting that freedom, our peers can't trust that we're not going to just rug pull and join the corporations, and thus what we made would be largely useless.

Claudio Zizza 🦜

@whalecoiner Food/cooking compares pretty well to software development.


@whalecoiner and imagine, while the chef is sick, he still bake, and someone offers to help. And after 2 year of help, this someone smuggle a poison in the pastry making everyone sick 🫤

Like the xz story


@whalecoiner :rubberduck: :rubberduck: :blob_go: how to pin someone else's toot


@whalecoiner What an AWESOME analogy!

I was just saying to @jacob that there's some legit strange psychology going on where FLOSS is concerned because people do NOT treat it like the gift it is, and in fact have some kind of bizarre mental block around it.

Charlie Owen

I'd muted this post early on but just looked again and HOLY FUCK I've never had those kind of boost and favourite levels before on Mastodon.

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