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4 posts total
Charlie Owen

Open Source is fascinating. Imagine a pastry chef who spends all day making pastries at work going home to make pastries in the evening. Imagine them wandering around giving these pastries to others for free. Imagine them finding out their free pastries are a huge part of a local company’s lunch offering. Imagine the company complaining because the chef doesn’t make enough pastries for them. Imagine the chef staying up all night making them more pasties instead of just telling them to fuck off.

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@whalecoiner :rubberduck: :rubberduck: :blob_go: how to pin someone else's toot


@whalecoiner What an AWESOME analogy!

I was just saying to @jacob that there's some legit strange psychology going on where FLOSS is concerned because people do NOT treat it like the gift it is, and in fact have some kind of bizarre mental block around it.

Charlie Owen

I'd muted this post early on but just looked again and HOLY FUCK I've never had those kind of boost and favourite levels before on Mastodon.

In Praise of Folly

This here, is the scam...

“This is a central mantra of RealPage, to sacrifice ‘physical’ occupancy in exchange for ‘economic’ occupancy, a manufactured term RealPage uses to refer to increasing prices and decreasing occupancy in the market.”

Charlie Owen

Okay I didn’t realise that post got boosted so much. Explains the “well actually you’ve always been the product” men filling my mentions.

Charlie Owen

Half a day until Armageddon is unleashed in Berlin. For those that don’t know, New Years Eve is akin to The Purge for Germans. Law-abiding Hans with his little round glasses will suddenly feel the need to purchase half a ton of Polish fireworks and unleash them at the sky, nature, and God. His children will launch Roman candles from their shoulders. Rockets will be jammed into bins. His wife will throw explosives from their balcony. #fireworks #berlin

Charlie Owen

I cannot stand New Years Eve anyway - mandatory crowded “fun” for an arbitrary date change is irritating as fuck. The barrage of fireworks just give me an extra reason to stay indoors.

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