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Aral Balkan

@aurisc4 That is a necessity of modern life, wouldn’t you say?

Aurimas Černius

@aral not really, consider that kids don't usually have bank accounts and are fine with using cash. Why can't adult live that way?
Just that in case of banks even in small countries you have a choice of more than two, while with mobiles there are more than two options, but the two dominate so much, that no one cares about the others.

Aral Balkan

@aurisc4 Kids can live that way because they have parents with bank accounts.

So should you be able to live without using a bank? Yes. Is it practical to? Not really. Should it be legal to require either an Apple or Google phone to have a bank account? No.

Aurimas Černius

@aral strange to say it, but it's sad that Windows Phone died. Even though Microsoft is no better in this context, but competition between 3 is better than 2. Were there 5-6 options for smartphone, landscape likely would be much much different.

Jernej Simončič �

@aurisc4 @aral If a kid is too young to have a bank account, it's because their parents still cover all of their needs. The moment they start working (even if it's just a summer job through an agency), they're going to need a bank account, how else would they get paid?

Stephen Crane

@aral @jernej__s @aurisc4 something like 4.5% of US households do not have any sort of bank account, according to the FDIC is 2021. Paychecks are just that, checks that you can cash. Or you get paid in cash.

Jernej Simončič �

@rinon @aral @aurisc4 That's unthinkable here – salary must be paid to a bank account.

Katy Elphinstone


Money is fine as a simple exchange tool, but as soon as you apply interest to it everything goes really wrong.

Interest bearing debt...
It makes no sense (how can money have an accumulative value by itself once uncoupled from anything actually of value to humans?).

This one illogical mechanism.has allowed money/price to become (in cases too numerous to count) completely divorced from actual value. Aka reality.

Economist Mariana Mazzicato:



Money is fine as a simple exchange tool, but as soon as you apply interest to it everything goes really wrong.

Interest bearing debt...
It makes no sense (how can money have an accumulative value by itself once uncoupled from anything actually of value to humans?).

This one illogical mechanism.has allowed money/price to become (in cases too numerous to count) completely divorced from actual value. Aka reality.

Hugo 雨果

@aurisc4 @aral I can’t pay a lot of necessary things with cash, including healthcare, rent, electricity, water and taxes. Banking is not optional nowadays.

Greg Kemp

@aurisc4 @aral I don't think banking is a good analogy here. My (US-based) bank has online banking independent of my phone platform. And I do have the option of in-branch banking. If the bank won't provide this, I can bank elsewhere. Medical providers can be local monopolies, especially for specialty care. The neighborhood neurosurgeon or oncologist may not have any local competition. Which means you may be forced into a duopoly phone, just to access medical care.

Katy Elphinstone

@aurisc4 @aral

Yeah actually I don't agree with the sentiment, 'get rid of technology' - as it's not technology that's the problem.

The problem is the private profit-driven model. Which means we're all going to hell in a hand-basket.

Tragically, as it's so silly and unnecessary... we all seem to be running up this dead-end street. 'Dead' being the operative word :ablobeyes:

Seems we unfortunately adopted tech before evolving out of our core competitive reptilian brains. Oops.

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