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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

We are closer to shipping Ivory v1.9! The big feature for this release is the ability to quote posts. If you'd like to test it out, jump back on the TestFlight version of Ivory. We've opened up some more TestFlight beta slots here as well:

Important Note!
The TestFlight version of Ivory doesn't use your active App Store subscription. You have to subscribe again in TestFlight. You do not get charged real money in TestFlight. It's for testing purposes only.


@ivory What does it look like to a non-Ivory user if you quote a post?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@re_chief Just a normal link to a post. We aren't doing anything that couldn't be done since the beginning of Mastodon's existence. It's just a quality of life improvement seeing the post inline vs just a link to it. 🙂


@ivory Oh whew! That’s a relief, thank you 👍

Matthew Muñoz

@ivory I’m not sure I wouldn’t make the same decision, but wasn’t “quality of life” a problem on Twitter? The UX for publicly shitting on random people for clout was hassle-free.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@pseudepigram Many things in life are quality of life improvements that can be used for evil. A hammer, knife, etc. Doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. Showing a post that a user has linked to is a huge improvement and not having it doesn't prevent the same problems from potentially happening. 🙂

Kai Kubasta

@ivory The last time I switched from the TestFlight app to the App Store one, all my drafts were gone. Does this still happen?

⟦ˈmartiːn ˈʃtaɪ̯n⟧ :tblogo:

@ivory I’m using it right now and it's great. But at the moment nearly no one in my timeline quotes posts. Everyone changing from twitter was instructed not to do that here! It seems as if most people just complied. 😁

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@ivory Hi. Is there any chance that #Ivory supports Misskey and Sharkey in the future? … #fediverse

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@AndyGER Hopefully someday. But it will require a lot of work on our low level code as our app was originally designed for Twitter which relies on numeric post ID's. So any services that use alphanumeric post ID’s just crash in our app because they can't be read.

Andreas M. Heitmann :batman:

@ivory Glad to hear that. I'm hopeful that you'll also support these server formats since they can be enjoyable to use.

Kelly Guimont

@ivory I cannot test for I have been removed.

I will now diminish and go into the west.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Verso We opened new slots. You can probably get in again. TestFlight is weird.

Kelly Guimont

@ivory I clicked the link you shared and TestFlight said no.

Kelly Guimont

@ivory @BenRiceM nailed it, I just had to try all over again. Maybe I was too excited the first time and TestFlight decided I needed to chill out a little. All fixed!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

Seems like many are already asking, but this feature isn't anything special where you need to use Ivory. All we are doing is showing the post you are linking to visually vs just having a link to a Mastodon post which anyone has been able to do since the beginning of the service.

That and making the process of copying a link to a post and pasting it in the compose view more automated.

Wolfgang :verified:

@ivory Just joined the new Beta:

When marking a post as favorite, fhe star is initially cut off. [screen1]

After looking at it in detail the correct position is shown. [screen2]


@ivory Will users be notified when a post of theirs is “quote posted”? Not specifically by Ivory, just similar to other Mastodon activity. I'm not 100% clear on how this all works under the hood, curious whether a link inside a post triggers any kind of pingback-sort-of-thing.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@samf Nope. It's just linking to another posts just as you've always been able to do on Mastodon. We are just rendering the post inline vs just being a link.


@ivory Makes sense. As a core Mastodon feature, it’s looooong overdue in my opinion. Even if this isn’t a "perfect" solution, thrilled to see Ivory making the best of it in the meantime!

Dave Porter

@ivory @samf On Twitter, quoting was good for conversation/support but was also literally called the "dunk mechanism", and drove a lot of that platform's outrage engagement. Passively rendering links as posts (conceptually no different from any other rich link preview) feels to me like exactly the right middle spot to land.

Bendodroid :wolfmeh: :blobhaj_flag_gay:

@ivory Hmmm, doesn‘t seem to work immediately, is there a delay of sorts? It was an embed in the compose flow, but after posting it‘s just a link again… :neocat_think:

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Bendodroid Could be a bug, or slow network/server. We've seen it happen a couple times, but pretty rare.

Bendodroid :wolfmeh: :blobhaj_flag_gay:

@ivory Okay, will see if it changes.

Something else: Would it be possible to include a setting to make custom emotes bigger? Just a client side setting, not all text, just the emotes. I am used to having much larger emotes when using Misskey or other fedi software, the Mastodon ones are always so small and in Ivory they're even smaller, makes the emotes just very hard to look at. :blobcatcomfeyes:

And related to that: Can we expect Ivory support for animated emotes? :ablobcatbongo:

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Bendodroid No, larger emoji's would break text line heights and cause all sorts of issues. They have to be the same size as the text. Solution is to make the font sizes larger.

Animated emoji's are on our list to look at. Some of us want to do them while others don't and we need to figure out some sort of compromise. 🙂


@ivory people are still gonna lose their shit so let me try to balance that by saying THANK YOU THANK YOU this has been one of the major missing quality-of-life features for me

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@jacob Thanks! The thing is, we aren't really doing anything new here. Just rendering the post inline vs just showing a link to it. People have been able to quote a post since the beginning of Mastodon, just not with an inline preview.

Sean C.

@ivory and this is perfect all in its own right -- thank you


@ivory … and with that, Ivory is feature complete (for me). Thanks!


@ivory Would it be possible to implement a "quick jump to top" shortcut? I often read masto on my desktop only, then come back to mobile after many days or weeks without opening Ivory. It would make it easier to be able to refresh the timeline, then jump to the most recent with a tap vs. scrolling from the previous update point.


@ivory What's the best way to submit beta feedback? Apple's built-in thing, e-mail, toots?


@ivory where are we on getting the hashtags to copy over on a reply?


@ivory when you reply to someone who has a post with hashtags they don’t carry over in your reply.


Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Jfrites Ah got it. Will have to think about that one. Might feel too intrusive in a lot of cases. Personally, I'd feel the need to remove those hashtags because it's just a reply and not an originating post. I'd hate for everyone's replies to show up if I'm following a hashtag.


@ivory Any chance of changing/updating the Boost icon to show the new behaviour? I was looking everywhere for a Quote option and didn’t realise it was behind the boost icon!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@jaytay No we don't want to change the icon for that. Users will figure it out in general. 😅

Paul Stockton

@ivory Not a fan of the username on the 2nd line taking up more real estate - prefer same line truncated as it was. If I need to see the full username I just tap their avatar and view the profile.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@pauls We will have an option to have the old layout. But we are forcing the new layout to get feedback. 🙂

Paul Stockton

@ivory seen a couple of layout issues, so on my mentions tab I just favourite your reply to me and the star is truncated off the right edge of my screen.
Tap the home tab and return to the Mentions tab and it draws it okay again.

Mike Beasley

@ivory is the quote button only on mac? i dont see it on ios even though ive had the beta installed for a few days. i have the button on the mac version.

Mike Beasley

@ivory this is the most recent testflight build i have

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@MikeBeas The boost action button should now show boost and quote. If you have "single tap to boost" enabled, you'll have to hold down on the boost icon to see it.

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity:

@ivory so exciting! I’m not sure I’ll use quotes much, since mastodon is all about social engagement…. But nice to have as an option.

Managed to snag a testing slot too. Exciting. Off to do testing.

Ian Brown :fedi:

@ivory Great! If/when available, will you transition this to the Mastodon-native quoting mechanism?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@1br0wn Yes. Though pasting a mastodon url into a post will always show the post inline as well.

Bill Taroli :neurodiversity:

@ivory I like the Teo-line approach for display vs actual user name in post detail.

zıəs uɐɟəʇs ✪

@ivory I like the very sensitive change with the username in its own line.

cliophate :ok:

@ivory I know I am late now, but Testflight didn't let me in, saying, "The developer removed you from the test programme."

This was back before you launched publicly. 🙃

𝕄𝕣. 𝕎𝕖𝕤𝕥ℂ𝕆𝕋 :dlhotel:

@ivory Great job, looks fantastic!

On a separate note, just a minor thing, custom emoji on the top line always seems to be distorted (compressed horizontally and cut off at the top)

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@MrEPCOT Interesting. On what server? I checked the server from your current account and don't even see those?

𝕄𝕣. 𝕎𝕖𝕤𝕥ℂ𝕆𝕋 :dlhotel:

@ivory It's

to clarify, the jack-o-lantern was just a normal emoji for comparison

Michael Mesdag

@ivory initial reaction is I really like the usernames on a second line change. Makes sense to me as the new default

Brandon Downs

@ivory is it expected to show quote posts of *other* quote posts as a link?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@bdowns No it should work. But there's been lots of reports of some posts not working and we will look into why and try to fix it.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@gwil No, that's what we use for our website management. 🙂


@ivory my feedback
- please put the small image thumbnails back on the right instead of below the post, this just takes up more vertical space and forces the thumbnails to ge even smaller and i see no benefit
- i don't like the usernames on separate line for similar reasons, also i'm on ipad and the screen is wide enough that i don't remember truncatipn ever being a problem


@ivory In regards to username on second line:

I think it looks fine and I don’t mind it. It’s subtle enough that it’s not distracting and to be perfectly honest, I don’t even remember what is was like before!

My suggestion: Keep it and make it an optional setting and everyone’s happy. 😊

Ed Worrell

@ivory are there any voiceover accessibility fixes in this release? For example: the search bar being broken at the top of the screen, and the timeline not loading properly. About three post down it will give voiceover a loading dialogue and it will kick you to the status bar.


@ivory Any accessibility features to report? <3

Rick :swift: 6x💉😷🇺🇦

@ivory I’m already in the TestFlight program, but all I see is 1.8.4



cAn sOmEOnE PLeAsE lEaVe ThE TESTfLiGhT So i cAN GeT In, PlEaSe? ThAnK YOu.

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