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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

Seems like many are already asking, but this feature isn't anything special where you need to use Ivory. All we are doing is showing the post you are linking to visually vs just having a link to a Mastodon post which anyone has been able to do since the beginning of the service.

That and making the process of copying a link to a post and pasting it in the compose view more automated.

Wolfgang :verified:

@ivory Just joined the new Beta:

When marking a post as favorite, fhe star is initially cut off. [screen1]

After looking at it in detail the correct position is shown. [screen2]


@ivory Will users be notified when a post of theirs is “quote posted”? Not specifically by Ivory, just similar to other Mastodon activity. I'm not 100% clear on how this all works under the hood, curious whether a link inside a post triggers any kind of pingback-sort-of-thing.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@samf Nope. It's just linking to another posts just as you've always been able to do on Mastodon. We are just rendering the post inline vs just being a link.


@ivory Makes sense. As a core Mastodon feature, it’s looooong overdue in my opinion. Even if this isn’t a "perfect" solution, thrilled to see Ivory making the best of it in the meantime!

Dave Porter

@ivory @samf On Twitter, quoting was good for conversation/support but was also literally called the "dunk mechanism", and drove a lot of that platform's outrage engagement. Passively rendering links as posts (conceptually no different from any other rich link preview) feels to me like exactly the right middle spot to land.

Kristoffer Lawson

@ivory @samf the way @IceCubesApp does it, the post mentions the original poster, so kind of creating a notification.

Bendodroid :wolfmeh: :blobhaj_flag_gay:

@ivory Hmmm, doesn‘t seem to work immediately, is there a delay of sorts? It was an embed in the compose flow, but after posting it‘s just a link again… :neocat_think:

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Bendodroid Could be a bug, or slow network/server. We've seen it happen a couple times, but pretty rare.

Bendodroid :wolfmeh: :blobhaj_flag_gay:

@ivory Okay, will see if it changes.

Something else: Would it be possible to include a setting to make custom emotes bigger? Just a client side setting, not all text, just the emotes. I am used to having much larger emotes when using Misskey or other fedi software, the Mastodon ones are always so small and in Ivory they're even smaller, makes the emotes just very hard to look at. :blobcatcomfeyes:

And related to that: Can we expect Ivory support for animated emotes? :ablobcatbongo:

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Bendodroid No, larger emoji's would break text line heights and cause all sorts of issues. They have to be the same size as the text. Solution is to make the font sizes larger.

Animated emoji's are on our list to look at. Some of us want to do them while others don't and we need to figure out some sort of compromise. 🙂


@ivory people are still gonna lose their shit so let me try to balance that by saying THANK YOU THANK YOU this has been one of the major missing quality-of-life features for me

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@jacob Thanks! The thing is, we aren't really doing anything new here. Just rendering the post inline vs just showing a link to it. People have been able to quote a post since the beginning of Mastodon, just not with an inline preview.

Sean C.

@ivory and this is perfect all in its own right -- thank you


@ivory … and with that, Ivory is feature complete (for me). Thanks!


@ivory Would it be possible to implement a "quick jump to top" shortcut? I often read masto on my desktop only, then come back to mobile after many days or weeks without opening Ivory. It would make it easier to be able to refresh the timeline, then jump to the most recent with a tap vs. scrolling from the previous update point.

Lucas Janin

@ivory Sync draft in between devices will be cool. Schedule posts will be fantastic. Thanks

Dan Hulton

@ivory I've been using Mona all this time despite having paid for Ivory because of pretty much exactly this feature!

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@noahimesaka1873 It should in theory if they show up in Mastodon as a normal post.


@ivory Great quality of life improvement for the user. 🙌 with @mammoth we’ve prefixed the quote post url with ‘RE:’ to try and help signal, “hey this is a quote post” and then escape it when the post is rendered. I believe this is how Threads quote posts are federated?

Colin Devroe

@ivory Are you making this feature available now because the core Mastodon project still has this too far out into the future?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@cdevroe somewhat. But we are getting towards the end of our public roadmap and wanted to do something impactful and something we’ve been wanting to use ourselves.

Peter Stuart

@ivory it’s kid of silly that @Gargron hasn’t added this functionality to Mastodon natively at this point with the option for folks to opt out of quote posts if they so choose.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@Meat_Bucket @Gargron They are working on it. Mastodon is a non-profit and relies on donations ( to grow their staff and developers to contribute to their open source project. Getting things like this done right just takes a lot of time and energy. As a small team ourselves, we totally understand and feel for them.

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