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@ivory Will users be notified when a post of theirs is “quote posted”? Not specifically by Ivory, just similar to other Mastodon activity. I'm not 100% clear on how this all works under the hood, curious whether a link inside a post triggers any kind of pingback-sort-of-thing.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@samf Nope. It's just linking to another posts just as you've always been able to do on Mastodon. We are just rendering the post inline vs just being a link.


@ivory Makes sense. As a core Mastodon feature, it’s looooong overdue in my opinion. Even if this isn’t a "perfect" solution, thrilled to see Ivory making the best of it in the meantime!

Dave Porter

@ivory @samf On Twitter, quoting was good for conversation/support but was also literally called the "dunk mechanism", and drove a lot of that platform's outrage engagement. Passively rendering links as posts (conceptually no different from any other rich link preview) feels to me like exactly the right middle spot to land.

Kristoffer Lawson

@ivory @samf the way @IceCubesApp does it, the post mentions the original poster, so kind of creating a notification.

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