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471 posts total
Alex Schroeder

Today I learned about an initiative for citizens of the European Union (not Switzerland, not the UK, sigh) which seems to have just the right name: Tax The Rich!

Found that via an article of the @tazgetroete about taxing the rich (German):!5987569/

The part that I don't get is that they mention how Switzerland taxes the rich but from my point of view, the tax is minuscule (and it depends on the canton, of course): In 2018, Geneva was at the top with 10.1‰ and Nidwalden was at the bottom with 1.3‰.

Nidwalden is one of those mini-cantons. Within a tiny country of tax-evasion profiteering there is a tiny canton of tax-evasion profiteering. Well, several of them but this is one of them.

And of course with the global minimum tax efforts, those tiny tax evasion cantons have to switch track: from low taxes to company subsidies.

Tax havens…

Today I learned about an initiative for citizens of the European Union (not Switzerland, not the UK, sigh) which seems to have just the right name: Tax The Rich!

Found that via an article of the @tazgetroete about taxing the rich (German):!5987569/

Alex Schroeder

My web site looks up profile links for fedi accounts I mention on my blog in order to link them up correctly using webfinger. It also logs errors. I just saw two account lookup failures. When I try to use curl to verify it, I get a 404 error.

Alex Schroeder

I recently fiddled with my 1TB micro SD (!), moving it from my old, original Raspberry Pi to a newer one gifted to me by a friend, and bricked it in the process. I have no idea what I did wrong. I decided to try and return it to the shop. And I got a replacement card! I didn't expect that!

Alex Schroeder

Back from a few days in the Vallais.

The picture for this post was taken by my wife. Three Alpine chough on a sign and another one flying past behind them, against the sun.

Alex Schroeder

On the way home and our train is stuck outside of Spiez due to a yet undetermined vehicle problem. Yikes.

Alex Schroeder

What I would like is a tool that went through all the accounts I'm following, looking at the URLs on the profile, fetch the page, look for a feed link, and then print out a nice OPML file for to add the feed reader… That would be an interesting addition to mastodon-archive.

Alex Schroeder

I think Oddmu (my current wiki project) now notices when templates or page files are changed in the filesystem and reacts accordingly. My hope is that offline editing + rsync or the like and online editing are on absolute equal footing.

Alex Schroeder

My nemesis is back: tracker-miner-fs-3, the most cursed piece of CPU burning software. I definitely know that the cooling fans are working, now.
I thought I had this fixed? Apparently I messed up somewhere and the ghoul is back.
This was not so long ago, let's see if the instructions from 2023 still work.
Oh, that leads be back to a page from 2018:

sudo apt remove tracker
sudo killall tracker-extract-3
sudo killall -9 tracker-miner-fs-3
systemctl --user daemon-reload

I have no idea why it got installed.

My nemesis is back: tracker-miner-fs-3, the most cursed piece of CPU burning software. I definitely know that the cooling fans are working, now.
I thought I had this fixed? Apparently I messed up somewhere and the ghoul is back.
This was not so long ago, let's see if the instructions from 2023 still work.
Oh, that leads be back to a page from 2018:

Alex Schroeder

I was thinking about joining the Tangara crowdfunding at – a kind of iPod, but better in that it is all open. Yay! But then I realized something: Having an iPhone made listening to music such a shit show that I basically stopped and switched my entire phone-based audio entertainment to podcasts. Because podcast clients are great (at least iCatcher is) where as Apple Music is a pain. Having used iTunes when it was cool until it was unusable, and then realizing what a pain the weird AAC formats on the files were, and the DRM on some of them, preventing me from playing them on other machines I owned, oh the gall! In a fit of hate I decided I was going to move all my pictures out of iPhotos and all my music out of iTunes and never go back. And I did. And so the Apple Music app died, and I guess no alternatives were allowed on the App Store because Apple is great like that, and so when the iPod classic I had with Rockbox installed finally died, all I was left with was podcasts. And so now I don't even know whether I want to listen to music anymore while I'm on the move. Apple killed music on the move, for me. At home it's a different story, of course, but Tangara is a portable music player.

I was thinking about joining the Tangara crowdfunding at – a kind of iPod, but better in that it is all open. Yay! But then I realized something: Having an iPhone made listening to music such a shit show that I basically stopped and switched my entire phone-based audio entertainment to podcasts. Because podcast clients are great (at least iCatcher is) where as Apple Music is a pain. Having used iTunes when it was cool until it was unusable, and then...

Alex Schroeder

My wiki needs some HTML templates which it used to load on startup. However, the HTML templates are not required when running the wiki from the command line to search, for example. So I rewrote the code to loaded them on every request, figuring it was cheap. But I don't like it. Just now I rewrote it so that it loads them all when the first one is required, and then it installs a filesystem watcher that checks whether any of the files gets a write event and if it does, it starts a timer that calls a function that checks whether any of the templates that have been written to haven not gotten any additional writes in the last second and only then it reloads them. And a mutex and removal from the cache, and timers, go routines and all the other stuff I usually hate. But it wasn't too bad and it seems to work.

My wiki needs some HTML templates which it used to load on startup. However, the HTML templates are not required when running the wiki from the command line to search, for example. So I rewrote the code to loaded them on every request, figuring it was cheap. But I don't like it. Just now I rewrote it so that it loads them all when the first one is required, and then it installs a filesystem watcher that checks whether any of the files gets a write event and if it does, it starts a timer that calls...

Alex Schroeder

We buy potatoes in bags of 1kg and when the two of us eat them, e.g. with Raclette, there are always a handful of leftover cooked potatoes. I used to chop them into the next salad but lately I’ve begun to mash them up and put into the sourdough bread. When I make bread I use 300g spelt flour, or maybe 250g spelt and 50g whole wheat etc. Using 300g spelt and 1 mashed potato gives excellent results. I also tried more potatoes but then the bread falls apart.

Alex Schroeder

That 99% Invisible episode really makes me want to read Power Broker by Robert Caro.

Alex Schroeder

Patriotism is a terrible topic for a song. That’s what makes me cringe when I listen to Preciosa Puerto Rico by Marc Anthony. But when that tempo change in the middle around the 3min mark comes up, it just makes me want to get up and shout with jubilation! It is only later that I wonder: what if this had been a German singing about Germany (substitute your own boogeyman). Aaargh! I am convinced: patriotism is an illusion used to achieve something. It might be something good, a national infrastructure project, but inevitably it will be used for evil. But that song … ah, it melts my heart!

Patriotism is a terrible topic for a song. That’s what makes me cringe when I listen to Preciosa Puerto Rico by Marc Anthony. But when that tempo change in the middle around the 3min mark comes up, it just makes me want to get up and shout with jubilation! It is only later that I wonder: what if this had been a German singing about Germany (substitute your own boogeyman). Aaargh! I am convinced: patriotism is an illusion used to achieve something. It might be something good, a national infrastructure...

Alex Schroeder

I made two strategic mistakes. The first was reading about how to install a Python program using virtual environments until I had tears streaming down my face and finally it failed because I think I need the Qt 5.15.4 runtime installed and I didn't know how to proceed. Then I made the second mistake when I thought it was probably a good idea when I read "If you have Docker installed, the webapp can be run in a container…" It's been downloading and installing stuff ever since.

Alex Schroeder

The solution was pip install and pip inject.

cd src
git clone
cd vasl-templates
pipx install .
pipx inject vasl-templates PyQt5
pipx inject vasl-templates PyQtWebEngine

And now it seems to work! Yay.

Alex Schroeder

When I learned Salsa dancing here in Zürich about 20 years ago I used to go out at least once a week with my wife. I admit it was her pushing for it. 😅 But I had fun. There was a lot of Merengue and Bachata, too. There was so much latin dancing here, it was amazing. A few days ago I rediscovered a folder with music from 2004: music I had recorded from WATS Radio. And now I’m listening to it non-stop and every now and then an old favorite comes up. I love it! 🥰

Alex Schroeder

«Based on the evidence of the last 15 years, I am almost prepared to go fully to the most extreme “don’t put any URLs in Books at all” position because URLs in actual practice are just that bad.»
by @rmloveland

Alex Schroeder

"They talk about groupthink’s twin – organisational silence – and remind the workforce that good people staying silent never resulted in anything other than heartache and humiliation."

Alex Schroeder

Me and my sisters used to make fun of our dad who kept laughing at his own jokes that weren't funny. But… I think I'm old enough now. My jokes are the best. My dad's jokes still fall flat, though. I want to add something smart about growing old but I can't think of anything.

Alex Schroeder

The post on commit signing by @glyph reminds me of my reluctance to electronically sign private emails. To me, signing documents is a tool society uses against the people doing the signing. It’s a liability I take upon myself in order to get something: a wedding, a house – the other party is binding me to something. Conversely, when I’m not getting something of value I’m not signing anything. I prefer the liberty to repudiate everything. “I didn’t write this.” I’m not promising anything.

The post on commit signing by @glyph reminds me of my reluctance to electronically sign private emails. To me, signing documents is a tool society uses against the people doing the signing. It’s a liability I take upon myself in order to get something: a wedding, a house – the other party is binding me to something. Conversely, when I’m not getting something of value I’m not signing anything. I prefer the liberty to repudiate everything. “I didn’t write this.” I’m not promising anything.

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