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Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

A few days late, but with July now over we've got another round of updates for you all! This includes an overview of all the new changes to existing games, some future goals, and new information regarding Animal Crossing: New Leaf :D

Note: We know that we have released monthly progress update posts twice in a row now, but to be clear this may not consistently happen. Much of our work is research related, deals with internal tooling, making updates/improvements to our helper libraries, etc. These updates are not always necessarily interesting enough to make it into blog posts, so there may be periods where we do not publish any. However if you'd like to see these smaller things featured in blog posts, we may begin to include them

A few days late, but with July now over we've got another round of updates for you all! This includes an overview of all the new changes to existing games, some future goals, and new information regarding Animal Crossing: New Leaf :D

Note: We know that we have released monthly progress update posts twice in a row now, but to be clear this may not consistently happen. Much of our work is research related, deals with internal tooling, making updates/improvements...

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

"I'm not joking when I tell you that multiple men have asked me, a cís woman, if I'm trans because I'm strong (especially after posting this photo). This was always the end game for transphobes, to define a dated and oppressive definition of womanhood."

(Egyptian climber Dr Heidy Khlaaf)

#patriarchy #misogyny #feminism #trans #lgbtq #lgbtqia #queer #nonbinary

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Istar Eldritch

@Black_Flag they are envious and have to find a justification 😂

Violet Rose

Ironically, I learned years ago as a new climber that if I wanted to improve faster, I should climb like a woman. Men who are just starting are more prone to using their arm strength to hug the rock, which is an unnecessary strain. Women catch on to the smart technique of hanging with straight arms and taking advantage of leg strength.

You end up developing your upper body strength faster because you can climb for longer.

Lisa J. Warner / Lisa Luv


*I was an athlete in high school*& I had muscles*& the same type of build like the women's water polo team back than!*& I wasn't anything than a heterosexual woman.But later in life maybe college years I found out that many of my old teammates from highschool were homosexual or transgender or something?*Didn't bother me one bit!*& Than those same young women many of them many more years later had gotten married to men*& had children.*To each his or her own!

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Многие анти-веганы говорят, что большинство веганской хавки - это наебалово, но, ребят, крабовые палочки - это не палки из крабов, а рыбный фарш, обработанный вкусовыми добавками. Как и крабовое мясо

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Тот самый мини майор, но под прикрытием но там вроде никто не пытается продавать это со словами что ЭТО НЕ ОТЛИЧИМО ОТ КРАБААА, и не начинают драться когда кто-то говорит что крабы лучше)

hardworm ☭

@kafazen да наебалово. Соевое мясо, бургеры, шаурма и т.д. с припиской веганское. Куча закосов под мясные блюда. Еще назовут "бургер выаываол" - а это безвкусная херня заменитель.

Есть куча прекрасных блюд без мяса. Рагу из овощей, кабачки, баклажаны и т.п. Придумайте названия для своих блюд самостоятельное.


@kafazen я с палочками ток в детстве думал что они из краба. А веган сыр до сих пор меня наебывает, я за все время время только один раз норм ел, израильский какой то из папы джонса, все остальное от 1-6. Я терпимо к этому отношусь, тк люди хотя бы пытаются придумать заменитель. Но не веганы пробуют и охеревают. Абсолютно не удивлён хейту в эту сторону

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Магия прошитого свича и линукса с эмуляторами на нём, друзья и подруги.

Crash Twinsanity. На эмуляторе PS2. На Nintendo Switch Lite. Прыгает от стабильных 30 фпс до 60 фпс в зависимости от местности, но, возможно, ограничение недописанного эмулятора на arm-версию Linux, который так никогда и не допишут.

Konstantin =\

@sarahquartz 🤗

Один есть, второй на подходе

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

И на седьмой день богиня придумала секс (не благодарите)

Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

@sarahquartz а потом добавила туда гетеро

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Я мигрировала свой инстанс и Кафка Ай Как Мощно сделал на это разоблачение

всем привет с вами Сара Кварц ваша любимая задротка, активистка, техноманьячка, нинтендогёрл, и натуралка


@sarahquartz открыл профиль, а там веганство и нинтендо. Ну это максимально уважаемо. Лайк подписка

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Я скорее отсосу, чем возьму хуй в рот

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

i still strongly believe that the default mode for any competitive multiplayer game should not rely on competitive matchmaking at all

the most obvious negative consequence is that this means every single game has to be treated with the same set of rules and fair play requirements -- and since it's impossible to moderate tens of thousands of matches at the same time, that means harsh algorithms and client-side cheat detection that compromises your system's security or fails on linux or causes other issues

whereas in the real world, an overwhelming majority of matches are casual. nobody brings in a league-licensed referee and does a doping test before organizing a workplace soccer game. there aren't cameras and faraday cages to prevent cheating at every chessboard in the local park.

now also consider that most ranked systems work based on either the Elo algorithm or one of its variants. these algorithms start off by placing the player into the middle-skill category and then down- or up-ranking them as they win or lose. these were intended to compare skilled professional players, and when you put them into a multiplayer environment, you basically break the system, because now the middle-skill area now has a constant influx of newbies amid actual mid-level players. then the system delivers those newbies a gut-wrenching series of losses just because they were initially placed beyond their skill level. (even worse, as said series of losses goes on, they usually stop being matched with other newbies and start competing against more skilled low-to-mid-tier players, leading to further losses!)

do ranked matches have a place in gaming? of course. especially since now every game wants to have a high-level e-sports competition. but these should not be the default way in which one plays online matches. the default mode should be based on dedicated servers and perhaps friend lists, matching the way we play games in the real world. then, once the player feels skilled enough to play ranked, they can join the ranked mode and fight through the leagues for their e-sports glory.

i still strongly believe that the default mode for any competitive multiplayer game should not rely on competitive matchmaking at all

the most obvious negative consequence is that this means every single game has to be treated with the same set of rules and fair play requirements -- and since it's impossible to moderate tens of thousands of matches at the same time, that means harsh algorithms and client-side cheat detection that compromises your system's security or fails on linux or causes other issues

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Framework with RISC-V? All I’m saying is that a small push for open source firmware and Framework may end up being the best open source laptop option in the world.

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

#OnThisDay, 23 July 1999, Eileen Collins becomes the first woman to command a Space Shuttle. She went on to command Discovery on the first test flight of a Shuttle after the Columbia disaster.

Watch the lift-off:

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WomenInSpace #SpaceHistory #Histodons

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Isotope analysis reveals men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

A study analyzed human remains from the Barmaz necropolis. This Middle Neolithic site, located in Collombey-Muraz, dates back to between 4500 and 3800 BCE.

This analysis revealed that both local and non-local individuals, regardless of gender, had equal access to food resources...

More information:

Follow @archaeology

#archaeology #barmaz #middleneolithic #neolithic

Isotope analysis reveals men and women had equal access to resources 6,000 years ago

A study analyzed human remains from the Barmaz necropolis. This Middle Neolithic site, located in Collombey-Muraz, dates back to between 4500 and 3800 BCE.

This analysis revealed that both local and non-local individuals, regardless of gender, had equal access to food resources...

Рыжее солнышко :catrus: :tiny_star:

Ladies and gentleman and enbies, накуренная сарочка, animal crossing edition

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