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420 posts total

Yeah, this was fun :blobcatgiggle: :anonymous:


If you respect the dinosaur, it will let you pet it :ed_grin:

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Bill Caputo

@stux this is the African wading bird known as the Shoebill for those (like me) who didn’t know:

Silly Jim - webcomic

@stux The question is not 'what can humans do' but 'what will humans be allowed to do'.


Poor #Washy has such a though life :meowpumpkin:

#Cat #Caturday


:nkoWave: A good meowing everyone! :blobcathearts: Have a most wonderful #Caturday and stay safe!♥️😸🐾

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@stux I was so waiting for it to suck the water into its nose. 😂

John Francis

@stux wild...I've never seen a cat suck something through a "straw" before.


@stux damn we didn't get to the part where kitty realizes that's not such a smart thing to do. Cool video though!


Soon I'm gonna start on the quest system for my RPG game yay! :blobhappy:

After that it's time to start thinking about the game story and world map and even a name :bloblaugh:

So far I got:

- Player, stats, equipment, leveling
- Crouching, vaulting, climbing, assassinations, targetlock, dodging, sprinting
- Basic melee combat, combo attacks
- Civilian NPCs, enemy NPCs and bosses NPCs

Next up:
- Quest system
- Mounts
- Ranged combat (bow)
- Game options, mini map etc etc

Soon I'm gonna start on the quest system for my RPG game yay! :blobhappy:

After that it's time to start thinking about the game story and world map and even a name :bloblaugh:

So far I got:

- Player, stats, equipment, leveling
- Crouching, vaulting, climbing, assassinations, targetlock, dodging, sprinting
- Basic melee combat, combo attacks
- Civilian NPCs, enemy NPCs and bosses NPCs


:flan_wave: Hello and a good meowing on this #Caturday! :meowpumpkin: Have a most wonderful day and stay safe ♥️🐾😸


:nkoWave: Hello and a good meowing everyone! :blobcathearts: Have a most wonderful #Caturday! :cat_hug_triangle:


Made this for you last night❤️

Happy holidays!


@stux Love this!! Happy holidays to you and your fam ❤️

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@stux Also, the ground suddenly goes flat.

Seriously, I've managed to miss the signage for the border, but still realise I've crossed it.

Florian Wesch

@stux similar vibes on one of our bike trips on the Swiss border :-)



You can see we pay more taxes (…).


This just blew my mind :blobcatgiggle: My respect for the modern tech I use just went up a level

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Useless machine

@stux My mom often remind me that her first hard drive was 256Mb sized and that it was pretty big at the moment. Early 90' I think (not quite sure).

Donncha Ó Caoimh

@stux Take a listen to this podcast and then look up the Doomsday project from 1986. They wanted to record a snapshot of the UK that year and did it on Laser disc. Unfortunately the hardware to read those discs is hard to find these days..


@stux so this phone has about 40 times greater storage than that optical disk. Albeit 4 decades ago.


It’s late.. time for some sleep :blobcattired: :stux: :sleep:

Goodnight my dear friends :mastodon: :fediverse: :blobcathearts: :blobfoxsnuggle:

Class Rep

@stux Good morning from East Africa😁😂

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@stux everybody who has a cat: 'This is Marmalade. He's a moron. I love him.'


@stux alt txt, the video shows the cat doing all the things sung about.


@stux Absolutely brilliant and 100% true 😸

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