@glaist @stux It’s the tunnel that was installed under the A12 motorway back in 2017 I believe, for the Parklaan in Ede. They didn’t have all their permits in order for the whole road & associated wotsits (they did for the tunnel), so people objected, massive snarl-up and delays happened. Latest I found the Parklaan may be finished early next year? @stux For some reason this reminds me of a Roy Rogers movie where there is a bar brawl and the saloon is half in Lousiana and half in Texas. @stux Can confirm... As a resident of close-by #NRW (#Germany) the obseration is just true... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8RRE2rDw4k&pp=ygUlbm90anVzdGJpa2VzIGJlc3QgY291bnRyeSBmb3IgZHJpdmVycw%3D%3D video via @notjustbikes @stux from experience I can nearly guarantee this is a border between Germany and the Netherlands xP |
@stux similarly you always know when you are entering Belgium because bumpy roads ;)