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5 posts total
Erlend Sogge Heggen

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.

#CommuneApp #fediverse #community

In the glory days of web 1.0, social websites would prominently link out to their digital neighbors via lists known as webrings; magical doorways to an expansive hinterland of digital villages.

Let's envision what a truly federated chat like #Matrix could do to improve the cross-connectivity of chat channels. Most of these features are already possible, they just haven't been implemented yet in a community-oriented client experience.


@erlend “webrings”. now there’s a word I haven’t seen in a long time

Erlend Sogge Heggen

/microblogmemes is a great #lemmy community, but there’s something really off about sharing a post from one #fediverse app to another via a screenshot.

Groups support in #Mastodon will start an exciting new chapter in this #interoperability story.


@erlend Can't wait for this support as it would really, REALLY improve so much about my Fediverse/Mastodon experience.

Mike Macgirvin
There are good reasons why not everybody is willing to adopt the Lemmy solution. And that is Private Groups and comment permissions. I've been telling people this for a long time and probably sound like a broken record, but when one does private groups, and especially when one adds comment permissions to that situation -- everything changes. Really, everything. So start with that, or one finds they have painted themself into a corner - as nearly every project supporting groups is currently doing.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
There are good reasons why not everybody is willing to adopt the Lemmy solution. And that is Private Groups and comment permissions. I've been telling people this for a long time and probably sound like a broken record, but when one does private groups, and especially when one adds comment permissions to that situation -- everything changes. Really, everything. So start with that, or one finds they have painted themself into a corner - as nearly every project supporting groups is currently doing.
Erlend Sogge Heggen

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing #ActivityPub! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.

Smart move by #GitLab; through ActivityPub they’re getting a distributed version of GitHub’s social layer.

@fediversenews #fediverse #GitHub #git

Several years in the making, GitLab is now very actively implementing #ActivityPub! 🙌

The end-goal is to support AP for merge requests (aka pull requests), meaning can send a merge request to

First bite-sized todo on the implementation path there is ‘subscribe to project releases’.

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@erlend amazing. This would make me move my projects over to GitLab (either self-hosted or the official instance) almost immediately (assuming GitHub doesn't implement it, and even then... I would most likely move).

Bonus points if #Codeberg, #Gitee, and so on implement a compatible implementation.

서버메이드 깐프 perillamint

@erlend That final goal looks... awesome.

At the cost of domain fixation, I can easily send someone else's GitLab repository.

Erlend Sogge Heggen

The Lemmy UI works fine, but alternatives are still much needed:

* lemmy-ui is styled like legacy Reddit, which isn't everyone's preference. (I personally have no need for the sidebar.)
* Inferno is a rather niche framework that raises the bar-to-entry for some prospective contributors.
* Alt-frontends make for a healthier app ecosystem.

If you're in the market for a new #Lemmy frontend, you've got plenty of promising options in the making!

#fediverse #opensource

The Lemmy UI works fine, but alternatives are still much needed:

* lemmy-ui is styled like legacy Reddit, which isn't everyone's preference. (I personally have no need for the sidebar.)
* Inferno is a rather niche framework that raises the bar-to-entry for some prospective contributors.
* Alt-frontends make for a healthier app ecosystem.

Erlend Sogge Heggen

If you're a client-side #Rust developer, I've started discussing the prospect of a juicy client with @terhechte developer of Ebou, a Mastodon frontend made in Dioxus:

Also, I tried to post this on but it's not going through, so please feel free to share this on the Lemmy instance of your choice 🙏

Erlend Sogge Heggen

By @pluralistic

“If you're keeping score on "free markets" based on who gets how much money, or how much inequality they produce, you're committing the sin of caring about "distributional effects."

Smart “economismists” care about the size of the pie, not who gets which slice. Unsurprisingly, the greatest advocates for economism are the people to whom this philosophy allocates the biggest slices.”

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