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Erlend Sogge Heggen

/microblogmemes is a great #lemmy community, but there’s something really off about sharing a post from one #fediverse app to another via a screenshot.

Groups support in #Mastodon will start an exciting new chapter in this #interoperability story.

A screenshot of a mastodon post, shared on Lemmy.
Christoffer S.

@erlend Can't wait for this support as it would really, REALLY improve so much about my Fediverse/Mastodon experience.

Christoffer S.

@erlend It would also further further reduce the importance of joining "the correct instance" as long as you can find the correct groups!

Mike Macgirvin
There are good reasons why not everybody is willing to adopt the Lemmy solution. And that is Private Groups and comment permissions. I've been telling people this for a long time and probably sound like a broken record, but when one does private groups, and especially when one adds comment permissions to that situation -- everything changes. Really, everything. So start with that, or one finds they have painted themself into a corner - as nearly every project supporting groups is currently doing.

Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
There are good reasons why not everybody is willing to adopt the Lemmy solution. And that is Private Groups and comment permissions. I've been telling people this for a long time and probably sound like a broken record, but when one does private groups, and especially when one adds comment permissions to that situation -- everything changes. Really, everything. So start with that, or one finds they have painted themself into a corner - as nearly every project supporting groups is currently doing.
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