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Erlend Sogge Heggen

The Lemmy UI works fine, but alternatives are still much needed:

* lemmy-ui is styled like legacy Reddit, which isn't everyone's preference. (I personally have no need for the sidebar.)
* Inferno is a rather niche framework that raises the bar-to-entry for some prospective contributors.
* Alt-frontends make for a healthier app ecosystem.

If you're in the market for a new #Lemmy frontend, you've got plenty of promising options in the making!

#fediverse #opensource

1 comment
Erlend Sogge Heggen

If you're a client-side #Rust developer, I've started discussing the prospect of a juicy client with @terhechte developer of Ebou, a Mastodon frontend made in Dioxus:

Also, I tried to post this on but it's not going through, so please feel free to share this on the Lemmy instance of your choice 🙏

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