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@ilyess I think the way they've implemented usernames is near perfect. It's super easy to get any username you want if that's important to you as long as you don't care about the numbers on the end. And being completely disposable means you don't have to worry about protecting it.


@ilyess They really should have called usernames “invite codes” or similar; that would have avoided a lot of confusion.
One thing I hope we’ll get implemented soon is the ability to override someone’s profile name and picture in the app because if they disable discoverability by phone number, you lose the only way to do it now—by linking the Signal contact to a system contact. (Apparently they’re already working on the name change.)


@ilyess Highly disappointing that continuing SMS support, a highly desired feature, isn't happening and yet Stories, something *no one has asked for* is what is getting development time.

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