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Mark your calendars!

The next FediForum, the unconference for the people who move the Fediverse forward, is coming up September 12-14, 2024.

The most recent Fediforum in March had the largest attendance ever of developers, users, moderators, and many other people interested in building a better social media environment. We will build on this in September, for the first time in a 3-day event. We'd love to see you join us and your peers.

More info and registration:


FediForum has made it into a bunch of publications this week. Most focus on the demo at FediForum where Meta's @pcottle showed off Threads' #Fediverse integration publicly for the first time, but there's lots of good stuff talking about FediForum itself, too.


Engadget also has a piece about the #threads demo at #fediforum today, this one comes with a link to our website. Nice!


#FediForum has made it into The Verge:

"Meta just showed off Threads’ fediverse integration for the very first time"


#FediForum tickets are as low as $1.99. Other ticket categories subsidize the low-cost option. This enables people who could not otherwise attend FediForum to come and participate on an equal basis. The various ticket categories pay for the exact same access.

Thank you, everybody, who is voluntarily helping out with funding the almost-free tickets, it makes a big difference!

Tickets in all categories are again available. See you tomorrow morning!


FediForum “meet and greet” in one hour if you are registered for the #Fediverse unconference starting tomorrow.


Our countdown on says it's less than 4 days to #FediForum, the leading event bringing together the people who move the Fediverse forward.

Join us to discuss the future of decentralized social networking and the #Fediverse?

It's on-line, two half-days, and again we have registrations from all around the world from people with a broad variety of backgrounds.

Tickets are as low as $1.99, and registration is still open. Join us?



The schedule for #FediForum next week is now on-line, and the list of proposed topics has become even longer! Check it out.

Join us? Registration is still open!


Less than 10 days until the third #FediForum, the online unconference for the people who move the #Fediverse forward.

Registrations are still open! Join us?

More info and registration:


Did we say we had demos at #FediForum ?

We just published the first batch of demos. In the speed demo track, each developer has 5 minutes to show off the most interesting features of their #Fediverse-enabled software project.

So as an attendee, you can see many projects quickly, and decide which you want to learn about more. And not get bored if a project isn't for you.

We encourage developers to run longer sessions on their project later in the day with more details.


Only 2 weeks until #FediForum!

There is still time to register and join the us to discuss the future of the #fediverse

Like last September and a year ago, we are expecting many of the people who move the fediverse forward from all around the world, for two half-days of intense, attendee-driven discussions on all aspects of the fediverse from technology to funding, from moderation to inclusiveness and many other subjects.

Join us? Registration is still open! More info:


Status: sending out confirmation e-mails to FediForum speed demo participants.

Some of these demos are going to be really exciting. We can't wait to see them!

We may be able to squeeze two more demos into the schedule. If you would like to demo, don't delay contacting us.

And if we talked, but you haven't filled out the form that we have potential demo participants fill out, you are not on our radar or our schedule. So make sure you have.


More topics attendees want to talk about at the upcoming #FediForum have been added to our website:

It's an incredibly broad set of topics. But then, the future of the Fediverse is an incredibly broad subject!



Today is the 19th of February. On the 19th next month, FediForum will be in full swing.

At this time, we will already have seen several cool demos of Fediverse software you might not know of, shown off directly by their developers. And we will have made the agenda for the day together, because FediForum is an unconference, and attendees bring the topics. Session 1 will have just started.

Registration is open! Join us to discuss and create the future of the fediverse?


What are some cool #fediverse applications that were created recently?

We'd like to reach out to them and see whether they want to demo at the next #FediForum in March.

You can find previous recorded demos on


Mark your calendars!

The next FediForum unconference for the people who move the Fediverse forward will be on:

March 19 and 20, 2024.

We will follow a similar format as we did in March and September last year, which worked out very well.

Registration is now open. Go to:

Don't know what to expect? See the notes and demo videos from last time on our website.

We are looking forward to seeing you in March.


We were asked the other day to explain how one proposes a session or talk at FediForum. There is no call for papers!

Indeed you can't. That's because FediForum is not a talking-heads conference, but an unconference (e.g. see ).

This means the attendees decide what happens during FediForum, not us organizers. You come in in the morning of each day with session proposals. You announce them during agenda making in the first hour, put them on the schedule, and that's it!


If you look at the schedule for a past FediForum, such as , after the demo hour, you see it says "Collaborative agenda creation: bring your session proposals!". That's when the agenda is made.

Before then, nobody knew what was going to happen the rest of the day: the schedule grid was empty. During agenda creation, people who want to run a session fill it in.


The session notes from #FediForum September 2023 are now on-line.

If you couldn't make it to FediForum, but would like to know what was discussed, these notes are for you.

And if you came to FediForum but there were too many interesting parallel sessions and you couldn't go to all that interested you, they are for you, too.


Vector Hugo

Sorry, hate to tell you but your link doesn't work in @torproject , Mozilla or Chrome Browser. (at least 4 me)


Also tomorrow at #FediForum, @kainoa will demo

#Firefish Social

The future of scalable, feature rich, and fun social media experiences on the Fediverse.

There is still time to see this and other #fediverse app demos, and join in what will likely be dozens of #unconference sessions over two half days online.


Also tomorrow at #FediForum, @matt will demo

Federated blogging with #WriteFreely

Start a writing community or your own blog in the fediverse with WriteFreely.

There is still time to see this and other #fediverse app demos, and join in what will likely be dozens of #unconference sessions over two half days online.

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