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We were asked the other day to explain how one proposes a session or talk at FediForum. There is no call for papers!

Indeed you can't. That's because FediForum is not a talking-heads conference, but an unconference (e.g. see ).

This means the attendees decide what happens during FediForum, not us organizers. You come in in the morning of each day with session proposals. You announce them during agenda making in the first hour, put them on the schedule, and that's it!


If you look at the schedule for a past FediForum, such as , after the demo hour, you see it says "Collaborative agenda creation: bring your session proposals!". That's when the agenda is made.

Before then, nobody knew what was going to happen the rest of the day: the schedule grid was empty. During agenda creation, people who want to run a session fill it in.


For a field like the Fediverse in which community and collaborative problem-solving is really important, (and not Listening To The Expert) we have learned over many years that unconferences tend to work much better, so that's what we do at FediForum.

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