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11 posts total
Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

:boost_love: :fediverse: Should people seen as #Fediverse or #IndieWeb leaders be funded by #BigTech?

#poll #boostsAppreciated

Anonymous poll


Strong yes
Qualified yes
Qualified no
Strong no
0 people voted.
Voting ended 4 January at 17:17.
Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

๐Ÿ’ก Today is a perfect day to exercise your independence from #BigTech, and #GiveUpGitHub.

โ˜ฃ๏ธ #GitHub is the equivalent of #Twitter and #Facebook for software development -- creators of the most enticing proprietary walled garden ever made for #FOSS developers.

Don't be stuck with Microsoft decides to change the rules on you.

Start today.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

โš ๏ธ Hey #MastoAdmin FYI there is a Mastodon security update apparently coming 6 July.

The reason you probably didn't know about it, is because it was only announced* behind a proprietary centralized paywalled garden. (Not Twitter, but the same effect.)

Be ready.

* This is not a recommended way to run an #OpenSource community.

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

Dear devs,

It's NEVER ok to lock people out of a webapp because their User-Agent doesn't match your predefined list. ๐Ÿ˜ก

Especially webapps they need to manage their healthcare.

(I am in fact using one of the browsers on this list, your code just isn't able to tell.)

:boost_love: Please boost for basic education.


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@downey Occasionally there's a browser feature that is required for basic functionality of a web app, but you can almost always detect if it's missing from a few lines of javascript code, and only show the warning then.

Daughter of Rao

@downey And that they always lie in your face by saying "For the best experience"...

Same thing with accessing a cloudflare "protected" site via tor..
They lie in your face "checking you're human to make sure this connection is secure"... no, you're breaking the TLS connection open so you're actually making things more insecure and privacy invading!



Yet another example of the need to focus on making better software, rather than better hardware.

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

Did you know that the #Mastodon BDFL (still) does not want instances to be able to provide their own icons, logos, colors, etc.?

Even that custom icon you know and love from your instance is now marked as "(legacy)" in the latest release.




Mastodon IS NOT the #Fediverse!

The #BDFL of that project saying it's is "vital" illustrates the branding philosophy and corporate, ego driven mindset behind so many PRs and requests that have repeatedly been rejected by an overwhelming amount of Fediverse users and developers - just look at how many ๐Ÿ‘Ž "thumbs down" ๐Ÿ‘Ž reactions his post received (that is rarely seen on GitHub).

His language and marketing have been largely successful, confusing newcomers during this Twitter egress (including media coverage) and conflating just what the Fediverse and mastodon are...

People are saying, "I just joined mastodon!" - NO, you did not. You just joined the "Fediverse", by creating an account on a mastodon server. Even newcomers creating accounts on #Friendica and #Pleroma servers are often seen saying this, and it needs to "STOP".

The Fediverse is the network they are joining, and mastodon is just one of a dozen or so viable platforms that people can use to do so.

Truth be told, mastodon is one of the least feature complete Fediverse server platforms, lacking in many of the most basic social networking tools and features that most other popular server platforms introduced ages ago.

It doesn't even render Markdown, have have quotable boosting, only introduced editing of posts a couple of weeks back, and has a hard coded limit of a paltry 500 characters for each post, forcing users to create those confusingly chronologically backward hellthreads that are interspersed and broken up in everyone's feeds, and there's many more deficiencies to list here.

This is why there are so many different forks.

When you create a #PeerTube account, you haven't joined the PeerTube network - you've joined the Fediverse!

When you create a #Pixelfed account, you haven't joined the Pixelfed network - you've joined the Fediverse!

If you create a mastodon account, you haven't joined "mastodon" - you've joined three Fediverse!

There is no such thing as a mastodon network!

It's just one type of Fediverse server platform, among many, like:

#Akkama, Pleroma, Friendica, #Lemmy, #Soapbox, #Misskey, PeerTube, #Mitra, Pixelfed, #MicroPub, #Epicyon, #Quanta, #GoToSicial, #Socialhome, #FunkWhale, and many many other platforms that open up the entire Fediverse to people, allowing them to share and seamlessly communicate with one another.

There are analogs for #Faceplant, #Twitter, #InstaSPAM, #Reddit, and pretty much any type of social networking experience you can find in the deprecated, centralized, legacy silo systems that cannot, and do not wish to interact with each other - which the Fediverse breaks the paradigm of, and empowers everyone engage with each other globally.

Mastodon's marketing has very deliberately been designed to subvert that narrative and replace this reality with its own, self serving commercial interests to the detriment of Fediverse itself.

A wake up call us coming very soon when the #non_FOSS based platforms like #Tumblr and #Imgur join their (millions) substantial user bases to the Fediverse at which time, mastodon itself may find itself drowned out and largely irrelevant due to its very lacking feature set, and ask if the other existing Fediverse platforms providing so much more if what is possible for us all.

This is typically what happens when your development is driven by egocentric, ulterior motives (whether he actually realizes this about himself or not) to benefit yourself personally - just look at how his donations have jumped, even though newcomers are creating accounts on other Fediverse and mastodon servers begging for donations that for the most part are going directly to him.

#tallship #FOSS #ActivityPub #introductions #newcomers




Mastodon IS NOT the #Fediverse!

The #BDFL of that project saying it's is "vital" illustrates the branding philosophy and corporate, ego driven mindset behind so many PRs and requests that have repeatedly been rejected by an overwhelming amount of Fediverse users and developers - just look at how many ๐Ÿ‘Ž "thumbs down" ๐Ÿ‘Ž reactions his post received (that is rarely seen on GitHub).

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

:fediverse: #Mastodon and/or the #Fediverse is only "ad-free" if we keep it that way.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Report commercial #spam and #advertising to your local server admin and let them know you don't want it on your instance.

Longplay Games ๐ŸŽฎ

@downey I gave up doing that on .social. I'm happy to see admins speak up against it!

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

๐Ÿ‘‘ ๐Ÿ”‡ Cool. Realized you can download the so-called #fedified CSV list and import the file to your #Mastodon #mute list so you don't have to see all the clout chasers coming here thinking that their following count should give them some kind of special privileges in the #Fediverse.

:boost_requested: Boost for public service? ๐Ÿ’œ

Screenshot: @OCRbot eng

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Muting list


CSV file exported from another Mastodon server

(eles alte Fedified - Download.csv

aetios โ–ถ๏ธ kwsp
@downey Please beware that it looks like a large amount of accounts on this list were simply scraped without their permission. not everyone on it may be consenting to be there
Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

:mastodon: The most underrated high impact feature coming in Mastodon 4.0 is that mods will finally get notifications for User Reports. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

โš ๏ธ ๐Ÿ”“ Unauthorized party gained access to portions of the #LastPass development environment through a single compromised developer account and took portions of source code and some #proprietary LastPass technical information

(N.B.: Use #FreeSoftware alternatives e.g. #KeePassXC.)

#breach #infosec #privacy

Bernard Marx

@downey In case anybody needs another reason, Lastpass does not encrypt the URI's in your vault.

Michael Downey ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ณ

๐Ÿ—ณ๏ธ choose then boost :boost_requested:

Anonymous poll


786 people voted.
Voting ended 23 Jul 2022 at 0:34.
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