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Michael Downey 🇺🇳

⚠️ Hey #MastoAdmin FYI there is a Mastodon security update apparently coming 6 July.

The reason you probably didn't know about it, is because it was only announced* behind a proprietary centralized paywalled garden. (Not Twitter, but the same effect.)

Be ready.

* This is not a recommended way to run an #OpenSource community.

Angie / 𐑱𐑯𐑡𐑰 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🇵🇸🇺🇦

@downey You'd think at least one social media site could act with a shred of integrity.


@downey A 48 hour period is pretty imprecise on when they are dropping the fixes....

Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@LovesTha Don't worry, for the right price, in cash and in your surrendered privacy, you too can be informed of the critical patch availability as it happens!



@downey Thanks for the heads up. Discord announcements are probably the worst way this information could be sent out.

Martin 2.0 :verified_breze:

@nlein Danke für den Hinweis, ich warte da eh schon jeden Tag drauf, weil in GIT schon ein Hinweis auf die nächste Version ist....


@downey that's rubbish. Why on earth does not mastodon development eat it's open dog food?

Asahi :v_enby: :v_bi:

@downey Gargron on his grind with doing the worst things possible


@downey If only there was a decentralised piece of software where the devs could share this message, Mastoblon or something.

Sammy 🦊

@weirdwriter @downey

I think it's a discord only accessible to. Patrons.

Robert Kingett on hiatus

@sammy @downey Yeah! That should never happen! Maybe to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe website boy is announcing it to his Patreon supporters before announcing it to the world? But even so, why would you put that security update announcement behind any sort of walled anything?

Sammy 🦊

@weirdwriter @downey

I'm not so big on benefit of the doubt when he keeps doing stupid shit, but as you say information about a *security* update should never be behind a pay wall especially when he's trying to sell mastodon as an alternative to closed walled garden corporate social media.

Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@sammy @weirdwriter

Like I say it's not a recommended way to run an open source community...


@downey you would think you would announce updates to a platform on said platform

Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@wurzelmann @RATFOOD

I shouldn't have to make a post for project leaders to do the right thing.

Besides, the fact that there are secret proprietary communication channels like that chat and a secret issue trackers are extremely inappropriate.


@downey @RATFOOD Yes, I'm right there with you, don't get me wrong, I just wanted to add that they eventually announced it here too.

But no, I find this practice also highly inappropriate.

Michael Downey 🇺🇳

@wurzelmann @RATFOOD

Yes, to be clear, it's good they finally announced it properly. 🙂


@downey @RATFOOD indeed but it should have been the main channel all along. I just wanted to add the link for extra information, not to argue against you. 🤝

This was announced on a discord server? That makes total sense, for mastodon.

fsnk :NeonCat:

Three things in life are certain:
- death
- taxes
- absolutely terrible communication of essential information from the Mastodon Project

fsnk :NeonCat:

if he were shilling new tshirts & merch it would be in all the public channels


@downey Wait what? Is there a private discord or something? I noticed he was merging a bunch of things into main (which I keep up with), like, a lot of them in a short time.

This is so annoying.


@downey seriously what the hell. That's ridiculous. I swear, sometimes he does things well and then sometimes he does things oh so backwards. Like everyone new the last 24h mostly coming to where there is little moderation. Sigh. Genuinely frustrating

jules sappho🌈

@downey i'm sorry, i am having a hard time understanding this.
can someone please explain what this means for this platform and its users?


@jules_sappho @downey It doesn't mean much for users, fortunately, maybe an outage here or there as admins update their instances with the new version.

The problem is more for admins and contributors to the project. It seems gargron likes do to things his own way instead of following an open source charter. Hiding security updates details and announcements behind a paywall is especially antithetical to the open source model.

Reggie Huizinga :35mmil1:

@downey First Redhat paywalling, now this. Greed and selfishness strike again.

Doodle Huang

Such a pity that the official Mastodon post isn't so updated and detailed.

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