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3 posts total
Jeremiah Lee

Every time you join a Discord server for an open source project, Brewster Kahle permanently deletes a kitten GIF from the Internet Archive.

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Leftmost Cat

@Jeremiah In case anyone thought it was a joke.

Ted Jackson

Last time I checked, it wasn't even possible to archive and export your content.

Discord is... Problematic to say the least.

Jeremiah Lee

I want Firefox to succeed more than ever and I support Mozilla finding better revenue sources than search engine default sales, but I do not support a $7M salary for its CEO.

I canceled my recurring donation to Mozilla because I need that money more than Mozilla’s CEO needs that money.

If there is a direct funding option of developers working on Firefox, I will happily reallocate that money. Send me links.

Source: Form 990

Edit: Replaced commentary with direct source

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Peter Motte

@Jeremiah "open source" is only what it says: "open source". You don't have to look for other ethical issues or promises. From Red Hat: The term open source refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.
So, it does not mean that people making open source software can't sell it, or use it in other ways to make a profit.
Basically it only means you can fiddle with it. Which in most cases is not recommended, because software nowadays is very complex.


core browser engines have diminished into, chromium based and mozilla based. so if mozilla fails, chromium has near monopoly.
(there is webkit engine).

rugk [DECT: 7845]

Just FYI donation go to Mozilla Foundation.

The CEO is from Mozilla Cooperation.

They have some contacts to share money, but AFAIK only from cooperation to foundation (aka foundation owns the Firefox or Mozilla trademark or something).

Jeremiah Lee

I will be proposing the session “Acceptable monetization models in the fediverse” during the @fediforum unconference agenda curation in a few hours.

I believe there will need to be a variety of acceptable monetization models in order for the fediverse to be accessible and preferable to the billions of people using walled-garden social media networks today.

If this is a subject of interest to you, I would love for you to join the conversation.

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