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Jeremiah Lee

Every time you join a Discord server for an open source project, Brewster Kahle permanently deletes a kitten GIF from the Internet Archive.

@Jeremiah I wouldn't regard the kitten GIF being deleted as a bad thing, considering that GIF is a terrible format and all GIFs should be burned;

Ideally, the original video of the kitten should be hunted down and then the inferior GIF version deleted.

Rather, every time you join a discord server, you reduce the amount of freedom in the world by a slight amount, as you're reinforcing the network effect of proprietary malware that's also spyware.
@Jeremiah I wouldn't regard the kitten GIF being deleted as a bad thing, considering that GIF is a terrible format and all GIFs should be burned;

Ideally, the original video of the kitten should be hunted down and then the inferior GIF version deleted.
Jeremiah Lee

Explainer for people who don’t know all the references:

• There is a meme of “Every time you x, god kills a kitten”

• Discord is a chat app like Slack. Its code is not publicly accessible (proprietary, closed source) and it is controlled by a single company (centralized).

• Brewster Kahle is a digital rights advocate and founder of

• Many open source software projects use Discord instead of similar open source, decentralized alternatives like

Eric Vitiello

@Jeremiah also:

* It’s hard to find anything in Discord

* There’s no good way to permanently archive anything in Discord


We need nicer Matrix clients then.
Element shoos people away

Leftmost Cat

@Jeremiah In case anyone thought it was a joke.

Ted Jackson

Last time I checked, it wasn't even possible to archive and export your content.

Discord is... Problematic to say the least.

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