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19 posts total
louisa_ :)

The lord and lady of the house get to lounge about in the sun while the humans work in the garden. As it should be.

#caturday #cats

louisa_ :)

The young boys have been out a lot this week, enjoying the warm weather - but they still need some bro time on my feet of an evening.

#caturday #cats

louisa_ :)

The reason the days get shorter after the June equinox is because Kaufman goes out more in the summer and absorbs all the excess light.

#caturday #blackcat #cats

louisa_ :)

How our current cats would vote:

- Gentle giant Kaufman would be a socialist: if he hears another cat purring, he starts purring out of solidarity.
- They're all rescues, but Tilda clearly has some posh breed heritage. She also loves the garden, so she'd vote Green.
- Hickory is the court jester, so Binface.
- Ren is very sweet. He'd carefully read all the manifestos but then get distracted by a squirrel on the way to polling station.
- Chaos kitten Strange is an anarchist for sure 😹


How our current cats would vote:

- Gentle giant Kaufman would be a socialist: if he hears another cat purring, he starts purring out of solidarity.
- They're all rescues, but Tilda clearly has some posh breed heritage. She also loves the garden, so she'd vote Green.
- Hickory is the court jester, so Binface.
- Ren is very sweet. He'd carefully read all the manifestos but then get distracted by a squirrel on the way to polling station.
- Chaos kitten Strange is an anarchist for sure 😹

louisa_ :)

Our blurry boys the other day. They'd been to the vet and had their worming treatment a few hours earlier so were feeling a little out of sorts. They were back to their usual hilarious selves by morning though.

#cats #caturday #CatsOfMastodon #blackcat

louisa_ :)

Kaufman is a funny cat. He is very affectionate and demands attention in his preferred ways every day, but he WILL NOT sit on us any more, despite doing it regularly when he was younger. He even seems to dislike stepping on us in passing.

Except this evening, after I'd finished mowing the lawn, I lay down on it as a quality check and he INSTANTLY sat on my belly, purring away. He stayed for ages. It was lovely 😄

#cats #CatsOfMastodon

louisa_ :)

Strange-cat building up energy so she can properly enjoy her #caturday

#CatsOfMastodon #cats

louisa_ :)

Walked down to the village to vote. No dogs at the polling station unfortunately but we met a very friendly one on the lane on the way, which was nice.

Also, we walked down through our garden and (what is now) the cow field. Our cat Kaufman followed us through the garden then sat on the stile at the bottom and watched us cross the field.

As we returned an hour later, we joked about whether he'd still be waiting for us -- and he was 😍😍😍

(Very blurry shot from about 50m away)


louisa_ :)

I sat down on the chair next to the window and woke up Strange-cat. She was simultaneously both delighted to see me and just-woke-up grouchy. It's probably how I look at her every morning to be fair.

#cats #caturday

louisa_ :)

Hickory Shagbark apparently borrowed the tail and paws from a much bigger cat for this picture.

#caturday #cats #blackcat

louisa_ :)

Queen of the (clean) laundry pile.

I think she might be passive aggressively hinting at something.

(Potato quality pic because UK winter light + black cat...)

#cats #caturday

louisa_ :)


It was sunny at the weekend so I got to take some pictures of the cats that weren't just voids!

This is Ren, on relatively high alert, probably expecting an ambush from one of the others. He's usually the ambusher - but for love, not war. When he nuzzles the other cats, we call it a Renbush. Such a lovely little chap.

#cats #catsofmastodon

louisa_ :)

While looking for pics of bleps for Bleptember, I stumbled on this old picture from April 2021, before I cleared all the moss of our garage roof.

Moss or no moss, the cats love this roof. The garage, an old barn, is built into a hill so the lowest part of that side is only about 60cm off the ground ie, a perfect height for being tickled when a human is walking along the adjacent footpath.

#mosstodon #caturday #blackcat


@louisa_ love the cat and moss. Apologies for letting my ignorance show here, but why remove moss from your roof? I have some moss on my shed in my back garden and never questioned it until seeing your post here.

louisa_ :)

This is the best road sign I have ever seen.

(Spotted in Sundsvik, Sormland. Did not however spot any cats, valuable or otherwise.)

#Sweden #cats

louisa_ :)

Even better than the otters crossing ones in the Outer Hebrides.

Didn't see an otter either (but we did always have a dog with us, and she certainly found otter poo...)

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