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7 posts total
Gabriele Svelto

Memory errors in consumer devices such as PCs and phones are not something you hear much about, yet they are probably one of the most common ways these machines fail.

I'll use this thread to explain how this happens, how it affects you and what you can do about it. But I'll also talk about how the industry failed to address it and how we must force them to, for the sake of sustainability. 🧵 1/17

Gabriele Svelto

First of all let's talk briefly about how memory works. What you have in your PC or phone is what we call dynamic random access memory. That is memory that stores bits by putting a minuscule amount of charge into vanishingly small capacitors (or not putting it in if we're storing a zero).

These capacitors continuously leak this charge, so it needs to be refreshed periodically - every few milliseconds - which is why it's called "dynamic". 2/17

Wizard Bear (💉x6 + 😷)

@gabrielesvelto TY for this 🧵 . Very interesting and aligns with my experience with much older hardware. All the best to you.

Gabriele Svelto

This is gonna be fun: OpenAI runs afoul of the GDPR because it generates false information about individuals and they don't have full access to the data that pertains to them.

From the article:

> Maartje de Graaf, data protection lawyer at noyb: “The obligation to comply with access requests applies to all companies. [...] It seems that with each ‘innovation’, another group of companies thinks that its products don’t have to comply with the law.”

This is gonna be fun: OpenAI runs afoul of the GDPR because it generates false information about individuals and they don't have full access to the data that pertains to them.

From the article:

> Maartje de Graaf, data protection lawyer at noyb: “The obligation to comply with access requests applies to all companies. [...] It seems that with each ‘innovation’, another group of companies thinks that its products don’t have to comply with the law.”

BrazMogu (i.e. Bruno Guedes)

@gabrielesvelto I think it's actually very funny that the excuse of "we can't really change the model after it's trained" is now biting them in the ass

Gabriele Svelto

The latest Copernicus data on surface air & sea temperatures is insane. When in a few years we'll look back at the governments that are now cracking down on climate protests, we'll consider them a bunch of clowns. Or criminals.

The full article is here:

Gabriele Svelto

Remember to strategically place your kennels during winter

Gabriele Svelto

I'm trying out the @phanpy web client and it's so much better than vanilla Mastodon. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.


@gabrielesvelto What do you like most about it? Can you list a few things you'd consider the biggest improvements over the vanilla Mastodon web interface, just to give a taste? 🙂

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Dhruva ⚙️

@gabrielesvelto Dealt with a bug that would disappear when 'printf' was added or running under debugger!

Result of race in code 😞

Григорий Клюшников

Logging is a valid debugging mechanism though. I used to work on a VoIP library. It needs to run in real time, so if you do pause it on a breakpoint, everything would break after you resume it. Logging was the only practical way to see some state change over time.

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