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Gabriele Svelto

The latest Copernicus data on surface air & sea temperatures is insane. When in a few years we'll look back at the governments that are now cracking down on climate protests, we'll consider them a bunch of clowns. Or criminals.

The full article is here:

#GlobalWarming #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis

A graph with global surface air temperature anomalies starting with the '40s and plotted against the months of the year. At the top of the graph the red line for 2023 is seen breaking the 1.5C value, the yellow one for 2024 starts and stays above 1.5C
A graph with daily surface temperatures from 1979 plotted against the months of the year. The red line representing 2023 is seen climbing above all others starting with March, the black one representing 2024 temperatures is already consistently above the previous year.
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