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5 posts total
Anders Eknert

Always be the first one to review your own PR's! While it has some strong "I'll read that email I just sent from the sent folder to see it from their perspective" vibes, I've lost count on the number of times where I've spotted some obvious mistakes that I never caught while working on the code, or compiled the commits into a PR.

Will Beason

@anderseknert What's nice about reviewing the PR in a change control tool rather than in your IDE is it forces you to read your code in a different way than you wrote it. Similar to how printing out a document makes it easier to find typos.

Danny Whitt


As a non-author reviewer, a PR that already has a bunch of the author’s comments and updates* before I even begin my review makes me happy.

*As long as they’ve not simply because the submitter opened the PR before the work was really done. Unfortunately, in my experience, this is more common than one might assume. And, is especially common in “agile” environments where everyone is just trying to close their issues before the end of the sprint/iteration so they don’t carry-over.

Danny Whitt


The very best include comments that help to describe the high level change(s) as a road map for reviewers.

Anders Eknert

Big tech now arguing that the platforms they’ve built can’t be held accountable for e.g. racism, as racism has been around for all of human history. Well yes, you know what else has? Nipples. Interesting how easy those were to ban, but racism? “Content moderation is just *so* hard!”

Get the fuck out of here.

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Zaya the Jew

@anderseknert To block racism, your algo needs to understand the meaning of sentences and paragraphs, and moreover it needs to do so in context. A nipple is just a nipple - that's easy. So I don't think it's that unbelievable that racism is hard to identify without so many false positives as to be unworkable.


@anderseknert What we see in big tech is the result of the prevailing environment of that industry, and probably all engineering related industries, which is rather reactionary and vastly ignorant about everything that’s not related with tech, like history, ethics, art, etc.


@anderseknert Nipplesblock goes wrong so many times. Automating blocking certain speech on platforms, holding the owner of that tool accountable can go against climate activists ... And making you a criminal every time your algorithm is tricked ..

Anders Eknert

TFW you start to type out that fun post or great idea you had but forget what it was as you're doing so, that's the online version of entering a room but forgetting why the moment you get there.

Anders Eknert

Maybe if I work really hard

Go above and beyond

Never use sick days or vacation days

The company will notice and appreciate

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@anderseknert if you're expecting "the company" to notice... you're doing it wrong.

Companies don't notice or appreciate anything, people do.

Andreas K

@anderseknert Actually, going above and beyond is a sure way to get fired, in my experience.

Ah, you padawans, let me tell you a story from my adventures as an IT freelancer. Happened over a decade ago, in a galaxy far away, when xmpp was still alive. As it happened, the customer needed some standard XMPP transport extended with “custom proxy” support, as the 3rd party networks were literally blocking their IP addresses by the minute.

Anders Eknert

The big blocker for adoption of #Clojure on the #CLR is IMHO not in the language, but the lack of tooling. Prediction time: that’s going to change this year. Remember where you heard it first 😄

#ClojureCLR #dotnet #java #programming


@anderseknert I will be honest until you mentioned jarl I'd never even heard of clojure :blobfox0_0: although I do quite like it, I am curious where do you see it becoming more widely adopted? :blobfoxthumbsup:

Ian Davies

@anderseknert Do you know anybody working on clojure clr? Id love to see it working with tooling in vs code or anyplace really.

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