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Anders Eknert

Maybe if I work really hard

Go above and beyond

Never use sick days or vacation days

The company will notice and appreciate


@anderseknert for all your awesome hard work, you are now a "SUPER Engineer", congratulations 👏👏

Anders Eknert

@mdhughes I know most people aren’t going to watch a video, but this is as on point as anything will ever get.

Hyperlink Your Heart

@anderseknert Soon: "I never thought *I* would be replaced by an AI" sobs developer who built system to replace people with AIs.

Roberth Strand

@anderseknert come on over, and I’ll give you a promotion 😉

Anders Eknert

@robstr you conveniently left out the 20k 😄 Fair enough I guess, seeing how I’ve not created Copilot or React. I’ve got Regal though ;)

Anders Eknert

@robstr if it’s NOK it’s basically a Swedish retirement fund

§ Jason


This explains a lot of the ageism in the tech industry: the older you are the more you understand that you are not a human being to them, just another resource for the company to do with as they please.

So, hire them young before they catch on.

Louis Ingenthron

@jcct @anderseknert So true. That's a big part of why I went from a tech executive to an independent contractor. Sounds like a step down, but it wasn't, in almost every way.

§ Jason

@LouisIngenthron @anderseknert

Agreed. I'm researching an article on ageism in the tech industry, and the stories I’m hearing…

Louis Ingenthron

@jcct @anderseknert Oh, believe me, I know it. I started out fresh out of college in one of the biggest tech companies out there. If it wasn't for the fact that I went through a job placement firm, I never would have even known they owed me 5-figures of overtime pay, much less actually gotten that pay.

§ Jason

@LouisIngenthron @anderseknert

But surely you worked all that overtime for the good of the company not for the filthy lucre, right?



Maybe if I work really hard

I will be rewarded

With more work


@anderseknert all the more reason not to use copilot.

Let’s boycot #bigtech by using local products. I would rather #selfhost or pay someone in my vecinity to provide a service for me.

If there are no options like that I just don’t use the product. We don’t need the latest and gratest if it it means we give these companies more power to abuse us with.

B Caligari 🇪🇺

@anderseknert What most people don't realise is that they are only employed because their bosses haven't yet found a way to fire them while still get the job done.


@anderseknert I guess he forgot to include how many pizza parties were thrown for him.

Marcos Dione

@anderseknert I don't know. 20k is more than an annual* salary in many places, and the guy is most probably very well paid to start with. Weird that he didn't say anything about a salary change based on the bump.

So from my point of view he's complaining about not getting a share of the profits of his work, for which I would say he probably joined the wrong type of institution.

As for the part about shenanigans happening at work, yes, that sucks. 'Welcome to the club'.


@anderseknert if you're expecting "the company" to notice... you're doing it wrong.

Companies don't notice or appreciate anything, people do.

Andreas K

@anderseknert Actually, going above and beyond is a sure way to get fired, in my experience.

Ah, you padawans, let me tell you a story from my adventures as an IT freelancer. Happened over a decade ago, in a galaxy far away, when xmpp was still alive. As it happened, the customer needed some standard XMPP transport extended with “custom proxy” support, as the 3rd party networks were literally blocking their IP addresses by the minute.

Andreas K

@anderseknert So I worked hard, like a mad man, basically living in the office of the customer for 3 days, I think I had on average 3 hours sleeptime per day in these 3 days, but after 3 days I had an initial alpha release, that could be used to avoid the IP blocks.

I explicitly let the customer know, a) that the release had some medium severity errors (like leaking file descriptors, and other tiny edge cases)
b) that the initial burst of development speed was unsustainable

Andreas K

@anderseknert end result: after 10 days my contract was terminated because I was incapable to fix all the bugs in the “after-midnight-written” code of mine.

(the only funny side note is, as the bug fixing speed dropped even further after I left the customer, the project manager got fired too for firing me, ah, the joys of industry gossip.)

So kids: keep your output consistent, there are generally NO business procedures to reward substantially an excellent worker.

Andreas K

@anderseknert Sorry for the typo in the last paragraph, but it should be clear.

Businesses in general do not reward excellent workers, nor do they have in general business processes to do so.

At best, you can expect that bad workers might be let go.

And yes, the reality is, if you are not in a strongly unionized place, expect real wage losses if you stay for longer in a job, even if you are a great employee.

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