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13 posts total
Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Sony’s password reset process accepts a longer password than the login form, meaning if you set your password too long, oops, you can’t sign in.

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Georg Verweyen

@cassidy last time I had this issue with a website, they actually stopped the first 12 characters as a password and ignored the rest ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Stop linking to Twitter; it is intentionally broken without creating an account and signing into it, even just to see a tweet, now.

• No thread context: Link to a tweet in a thread, and visitors cannot read the other tweets in the same thread, including the immediate parent in the thread. So context is entirely broken

• No replies: If you link to a tweet, visitors cannot see any replies to said tweet

• Aggressive prompts to create an account when trying to find more context/clicking anything

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Instead, if you have to link to something that happened on Twitter for some reason, I recommend:

• Reproduce the content locally! If embedding on a blog, just… quote the text inline. Style it up nicely if you want, but the content is more important than the tracking-laden embed code that could break at any time

•; replace with in links; it works like an archive version that includes important context

Only include a Twitter link as proof/a primary source imho

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Today's updated Flathub docs: more information for app developers about verification, including some more technical details. Inspired yet again by conversations with external ISVs.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

People building apps and web services: I feel like we need to talk about two-factor authentication terminology.

Here are some of the things I always think and then realized I've never written down. 🧵

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

1. Your company's two-factor app is NOT the only choice; carefully consider how you refer to it!

For example, every Google login *still* says to get a code "from the Google Authenticator" app. I've never used that app, and yet I can sign in just fine; because I use a different authenticator. But you'd never even know that's an option, which could trip some folks up.

In Google's case it also smells anti-competitive, but this advice applies to everyone.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Portals are *the* Linux desktop API for apps.

Check out this shiny new little website covering some of the basics, but the gist: every desktop supports these APIs with a native UI that makes sense to their desktop. But cross-platform apps can just use Portals and their app will work across desktop environments, OSes, etc.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

I'll keep saying it, because it keeps coming up. If you're working in the FreeDesktop, Linux, or Flatpak spaces, you *need* to understand this, even if you don't personally care about gaming or Steam Deck.

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@cassidy what are flatpack, flathub and freedesktop?


My Steam Deck is running great with NixOS so you do not have to use flathub at all

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Do you use ? Do you also use or ?

The is a community effort, automated from the official release. That feels a bit off for your password manager; thing that holds all your secrets.

A community post from 2021 asking them to maintain it only got 211 votes, 117 likes, and 46 comments but over 10k views. I and other folks commented and said we'd be happy to help, but never heard back.

Maybe give the post some attention?

Do you use ? Do you also use or ?

The is a community effort, automated from the official release. That feels a bit off for your password manager; thing that holds all your secrets.

A community post from 2021 asking them to maintain it only got 211 votes, 117 likes, and 46 comments but over 10k views. I and other folks commented and said we'd be happy to help, but never heard back.


@cassidy IMO both desktop app and cli tool are kinda crappy and better avoided, so it's not like we missing anything.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Other interesting facts:

- The app has over 700k installs from Flathub even though it's not yet verified

- Steam Deck is shipping Flathub as the default desktop app store to millions of people

- Devices, OSes, distros, and users can choose to filter their app store to only show verified apps

It just makes sense to get it verified, especially since it's coming from the official releases, anyway!

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

My toddler keeps requesting this print every time I have a different filament loaded, and I can’t say no…


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Bob Robertson XI

@cassidy my daughter did that, but it was Arlo from The Good Dinosaur. I kept making the different sizes, so she has a whole family of different colored, and different size dinos.

She played with them a lot, so I learned early on the importance of wall thickness.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

I’m gonna dip my toes into volunteering as a Flatpak/Flathub developer advocate—basically, providing a human contact at a real company that can help larger apps/companies get their apps in front of Linux (and thus Steam Deck!) users.

What are some of the biggest apps you think are missing from Flathub—or for apps already there, which are the ones you’d like to see verified?

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Friendly reminder of this dope share-to-mastodon button from my friend @micahilbery. It’s pretty, it’s simple, and it’s customizable. :)

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@prmcmanus @esm basically, what Slack calls a “Workspace”. It is a specific organization or community, but all hosted from Discord’s centralized service.

Paul McManus

@cassidy @esm oh no, so people start to think of servers as their own virtual space as opposed to some physical metal 🫤
I'm going to have to amend my interview questions for clarity 😄

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