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Forgot your password?
Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

Sony’s password reset process accepts a longer password than the login form, meaning if you set your password too long, oops, you can’t sign in.

Lucas Gonze

@cassidy I wonder if you can force it using a JavaScript console


@cassidy You wouldn't BELIEVE how many websites have this problem. I've had to immediately reset my password so many times because of that common bug.

Brodie Robertson

@cassidy Passwords there's no theoretical cap, I love when sites can't be bothered to set credit card detail limits or other items with known hard limits


@cassidy some years ago, a major electricity company accepted the '+' character in email addresses at registration, but not at login.

James Henstridge

@cassidy It'd also be nice if web browsers warned you when they truncate text pasted into a password field.

Not doing so can set you up for the opposite problem: 1. generate a long password in your password manager, 2. paste it into the website and have it truncated to a shorter version, 3. the website changes to accept longer passwords, and now the version in your password manager is wrong.

Georg Verweyen

@cassidy last time I had this issue with a website, they actually stopped the first 12 characters as a password and ignored the rest ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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