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Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

I'll keep saying it, because it keeps coming up. If you're working in the FreeDesktop, Linux, or Flatpak spaces, you *need* to understand this, even if you don't personally care about gaming or Steam Deck.

Amy 🇹🇭

@cassidy personal opinion is that flatpak and free desktop specs are very good

Prefer-dark for ex. Apps from different toolkit can respect dark mode without looking broken :3

Flatpak's cool too for not breaking systems and the permission system, I think I'd say the future is bright?

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@AmyIsCoolz agreed! And we shouldn't shy away from using the Trojan horse. :)


@cassidy not into games (either playing or developing) for a few decades now 😂 so somehow I totally missed this.

feels like a turning point of sort with apparently millions of devices already shipped?

Also an important boost for

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@phiofx yep, exactly. SteamOS became a major distro player practically overnight, and may be the largest consumer deployment of Flathub and Flatpak.

Instead of ignoring that or pretending it doesn't matter because "well it's a console, it is different," we should be leaning into it. Especially when it comes to convincing app developers to invest in the platform!


@cassidy this is the linux user agenda!!! The left is pushing linux and FOSS down our throats, we have to rebel by using facebook and MacOS! /s


@cassidy Frankly, I've been a Linux user for over two decades now, and the Steam Deck is literally my FIRST contact with Flatpaks.
It was annoying not being able to find stuff in my $HOME, but after a while I figured out where both Lutris and Dolphin flatpaks drop their files.

I'm not a terribly big fan of the "package everything the distro provides again" as it requires updating each flatpak individually if a dep updates, but I see the need for an easy deployment method.


@cassidy the steam deck is more than a gaming console

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@Irelephant i apologize I was unable to fit the nuance of the device and its entire spec sheet into a meme

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@Irelephant ah, yes, then I definitely agree! Sorry, I thought you were critiquing the language I used on the meme 😅


@cassidy so basically, you think flatpak, flathub and freedesktop are bad things, along with the steam deck? if not, I'm sorry, trojan horses usually are a bad sign.

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@bgtlover naw, in this case they're good things but just things those gamers don't care about yet. ;)


@cassidy Personally I've heard about immutable distributions for some time but never tried any. Now that I own a Steam Deck I realized how viable they are with flatpak!


@cassidy there is such thing as a good trick as this demonstrates,and is a win for KDE, I wish I understood more why people prefer them (despite preferring to also use them whenever I think it's easier)


@cassidy what are flatpack, flathub and freedesktop?

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@Fangh simplified answer to fit in a single post:

FreeDesktop: the collective specs and tech that make "Linux" desktops work together and be targetable more like a single platform for developers

Flatpak: the app format Steam Desk uses, that most Linux desktops also use

Flathub: a central repository of Flatpaks with a goal of making it easy for developers to distribute their apps to any Linux desktop; included as the source of apps in Desktop Mode on Steam Deck

@Fangh simplified answer to fit in a single post:

FreeDesktop: the collective specs and tech that make "Linux" desktops work together and be targetable more like a single platform for developers

Flatpak: the app format Steam Desk uses, that most Linux desktops also use

Flathub: a central repository of Flatpaks with a goal of making it easy for developers to distribute their apps to any Linux desktop; included as the source of apps in Desktop Mode on Steam Deck

Cassidy James :eos: :gg: :fh:

@Fangh my point is that there are now millions of people out there using Steam Decks as gaming devices, and they're *also* able to easily use all the stuff us Linux folks have been working on. We should embrace it! For example, if a popular app developer wanted to bring their app to Steam Deck, they'd use FreeDesktop specs, Flatpak, and probably Flathub.

That's awesome because it *also* means their app will trivially work on nearly *any* Linux desktop, too, automatically!


My Steam Deck is running great with NixOS so you do not have to use flathub at all

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