Firefox has surpassed Chrome in Speedometer:,3735773,1,13&series=mozilla-central,3412459,1,13 π
There are many more reasons than "just privacy" to switch to privacy-first apps! π What apps have your switched to already?
Here are more tips on how to leave Google:
I've preferred Firefox for quite a while, but lately, it crashes an average of once a day (yesterday it was twice!), and despite submitting "reports" about what you were doing, what you had open, etc., it just seems to be happening more & more. I got pissed & opened my Chrome and Edge browsers, but I just don't like them. I like the broken one! WTF is wrong with me?!
@Tutanota the better version of Firefox :blobfoxowonotice:
@Tutanota Firefox <-> Privacy? LOL.
Going to stick this in #getpocket