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Out of all the companies currently offering private email alternatives to Big Tech, ProtonMail, Tutanota and ZohoMail stand out from the crowd. Let's take a look at what each of them does!


@Tutanota in cons for proton, can you explain what you mean by "If VPN and email comes from the same company, the email provider can see your real IP". I try to understand that point, thx


@humblenano The reasoning is that if you get both from the same, the email provider will still be able to see your real IP address - which the VPN should stop.


@Tutanota can you tell me how they can "see" my real IP?


@Tutanota nice article. I had a paid tuta account but switched back tot non-paid. I liked Tutanota a lot but had one major concern: quite some times my mail was rejected because it came from Tutanota. And one minor: I need to be able to share my contacts with other apps.


@Krit Thanks for your feedback. We're planning to add a new domain just reserved for paying users - this will fix the mentioned issue! A better contacts integration is also planned.


@Tutanota This should really be named "Why we think Tutanota is your best option" rather than an obviously biased "best private email service". Come on Tutanota, you are better than that!

Ilkka Tengvall

@Tutanota I tried and others a while back, but couldn't use it with my old forwarding address. I'd want to keep using it, as I've used the same address for 20 years. Is it nowadays possible to keep such "external" sender/reply address?


@ikkeT Thanks for your feedback. You can use your custom domain with Tutanota - if this what you are referring to?

Ilkka Tengvall

@Tutanota thanks, I believe that is different. It's not my domain, it's a forwarding service.


@ikkeT Ah, sorry, in that case it will not work I' afraid.


@Tutanota You might've forgot, Tutanota Con:
No OpenPGP support. So if you want to send someone an encrypted email, you somehow have to also send them a password to open said email.


@Tutanota Greetings, I have a few questions

How is using Proton bridge less secure?

What do you mean by "Not the most advanced encryption protocols" for proton?

jfmblinux :verified:

"Proton though have secondary offices in the US"

Can you tell us more about the fact that Proton has offices in the United States?

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