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6 posts total

> it’s not a question of, you know, Jews versus Arabs or Palestinians versus Israelis. It’s a question of a system that has imposed itself like a monster, suppressing and squeezing the life out of Palestinian national, cultural and personal life. And that’s what I saw when I was there two years ago...
#OliveTressWeep #GaborMate
#GaborMaté #PalestineIsrael

> it’s not a question of, you know, Jews versus Arabs or Palestinians versus Israelis. It’s a question of a system that has imposed itself like a monster, suppressing and squeezing the life out of Palestinian national, cultural and personal life. And that’s what I saw when I was there two years ago...


> I’m not pro-Palestinian, but I’m pro-truth. And the truth is, the Palestinians have been oppressed and suppressed and murdered and controlled and dispossessed for decades. That’s just the truth. There’s no post-traumatic stress disorder here, because the trauma is never post...


> We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other, being able to distinguish among and between them, that is, knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.
#TonyMorrison #TheMarginalian
/HT @mariapopova

> We move from data to information to knowledge to wisdom. And separating one from the other, being able to distinguish among and between them, that is, knowing the limitations and the danger of exercising one without the others, while respecting each category of intelligence, is generally what serious education is about.


> ... it’s seductive, to assume that data is really knowledge. Or that information is, indeed, wisdom. Or that knowledge can exist without data. And how easy, and how effortlessly, one can parade and disguise itself as another. And how quickly we can forget that wisdom without knowledge, wisdom without any data, is just a hunch...
#ToniMorrison on


> Since 1 February 2024, for over one month, there has been an extraordinary event in Indonesia’s cultural sphere. Probably for the first time in Indonesia’s cinematic history, a documentary film is having a hit run. For context, Indonesia’s cinemas are dominated by #IndonesianHorror films, slapstick comedy, and #Hollywood blockbusters. There has been no tradition of mainstream cinemas showing documentaries for more than one or two nights...
#MaxLane #Indonesia

> Since 1 February 2024, for over one month, there has been an extraordinary event in Indonesia’s cultural sphere. Probably for the first time in Indonesia’s cinematic history, a documentary film is having a hit run. For context, Indonesia’s cinemas are dominated by #IndonesianHorror films, slapstick comedy, and #Hollywood blockbusters. There has been no tradition of mainstream cinemas showing documentaries for more than one or two nights...


> You get the archipelago that is unable to think, and which constantly repeats religious, pop and television slogans, instead of thinking about the past, present and the future...
> ... everything was shown in detail in the award winning film by #JoshuaOppenheimer: “ #TheActOfKilling”.
#IndonesianMovies #IndonesianCinema #IndonesianDocumentaries


> Dr. Hueper tried throughout his career to bring attention to corporate efforts to disguise and hide occupational cancers caused by chemicals. His 1942 work "Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases" is recognized as the first medical textbook listing cancers and their occupational causes. He is the author of over 300 medical articles, editorials, chapters of books, and books on occupational and environmental cancer...
#OccupationalHelath #WCHueper #DrHueper

> Dr. Hueper tried throughout his career to bring attention to corporate efforts to disguise and hide occupational cancers caused by chemicals. His 1942 work "Occupational Tumors and Allied Diseases" is recognized as the first medical textbook listing cancers and their occupational causes. He is the author of over 300 medical articles, editorials, chapters of books, and books on occupational and environmental cancer...


> Toward the end of his life he was interviewed by #BarryCastleman, to whom he said of the struggle against environmental cancer, "This is a war just like any other war, and it will be fought with every dirty means."
#ToxicWar #CorporationWar #IndustryWar


> we’re looking forward to working on the challenges that crosscut the Fediverse.. we’re living through the consequences of 20 years of centralized, corporate-controlled social media, with a small oligopoly of large tech firms tightening their grip on the public square. In private hands our choice is limited, toxicity is rewarded, rage is called engagement, public trust is corroded, and basic human decency is often an afterthought...
#Fediverse #Mozilla #InternetWeWant

> we’re looking forward to working on the challenges that crosscut the Fediverse.. we’re living through the consequences of 20 years of centralized, corporate-controlled social media, with a small oligopoly of large tech firms tightening their grip on the public square. In private hands our choice is limited, toxicity is rewarded, rage is called engagement, public trust is corroded, and basic human decency is often an afterthought...


@bsmall2 The same Mozilla that stuffs telemetry all over its browser? Yeah… :blobcatgiggle:

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