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> You get the archipelago that is unable to think, and which constantly repeats religious, pop and television slogans, instead of thinking about the past, present and the future...
> ... everything was shown in detail in the award winning film by #JoshuaOppenheimer: “ #TheActOfKilling”.
#IndonesianMovies #IndonesianCinema #IndonesianDocumentaries


@alex In the last couple years I've been meeting nice young people from Indonesia here in Japan. It's what motivated me to find a writer and novel from the place... The article is helping me think about why people (especially women) might not want to go back. He article is harsh on Indonesia but it stays with the reader huh? And it helped me better appreciate the importance of the Eksil documentary news. (Guilty pleasure now but Indonesian HipHop is fun! "OnLine" by Saykoji)

Alex Schroeder

@bsmall2 Since you're bringing up music, I was fascinated by a photo exhibition of punk rock in Indonesia. Looking around, I think it was by Eleni Kougionis: – you might find a website with some English text instead of this one, in German.


@alex I'll have to see the gallery with a real PC, it's not working on my phone setup. But your description and the one photo I saw reminded me of the Myanamar band that put bounce in my step for a while. I think a Japanese caption to introduced one of their videos was "Budddha is Punk." The video made me want to go be waterboy for the defiant girl singer, the way you feel reading about the Kurdish women militias, or when Arundhati Roy is threatened.
_One Day_

@alex I'll have to see the gallery with a real PC, it's not working on my phone setup. But your description and the one photo I saw reminded me of the Myanamar band that put bounce in my step for a while. I think a Japanese caption to introduced one of their videos was "Budddha is Punk." The video made me want to go be waterboy for the defiant girl singer, the way you feel reading about the Kurdish women militias, or when Arundhati Roy is threatened.
_One Day_

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