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> we’re looking forward to working on the challenges that crosscut the Fediverse.. we’re living through the consequences of 20 years of centralized, corporate-controlled social media, with a small oligopoly of large tech firms tightening their grip on the public square. In private hands our choice is limited, toxicity is rewarded, rage is called engagement, public trust is corroded, and basic human decency is often an afterthought...
#Fediverse #Mozilla #InternetWeWant


@bsmall2 The same Mozilla that stuffs telemetry all over its browser? Yeah… :blobcatgiggle:


@tennoseremel @bsmall2 Ah, yes. The same Mozilla that somehow manages to appear deafer than said oligopoly of large tech firms when it comes to feedback. The same Mozilla that leaves said decency an afterthought when taking part in cyber-bullying.

I feel like Mozilla is neither the hero we need nor the hero we deserve. They are the complex, morally nuanced, and ever so slightly schizophrenic protagonist we have no choice but to root for, because they are the only one left. Complete with a moving backstory detailing their rise and fall. :blobcatderpy:

@tennoseremel @bsmall2 Ah, yes. The same Mozilla that somehow manages to appear deafer than said oligopoly of large tech firms when it comes to feedback. The same Mozilla that leaves said decency an afterthought when taking part in cyber-bullying.

I feel like Mozilla is neither the hero we need nor the hero we deserve. They are the complex, morally nuanced, and ever so slightly schizophrenic protagonist we have no choice but to root for, because they are the only one left. Complete with a moving...

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