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12 posts total
Ethan Marcotte


wrote up how i’m blocking “artificial intelligence” bots from accessing my website, with some copy-and-paste code that should (🤞🏻) stay up-to-date whenever i update my blocklist

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@beep More and more, I find I hate tech.

Shane Rogers

@beep This is a great thread! Will most definitely be taking advantage of some of the information that's contained here, not that my personal site has content worth stealing. 🤣

Ethan Marcotte

“Though it seemed completely automated, [Amazon’s] Just Walk Out relied on more than 1,000 people in India watching and labeling videos to ensure accurate checkouts. The cashiers were simply moved off-site, and they watched you as you shopped.”

[removes glasses; pinches bridge of nose; sighs until the heat death of the universe]

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@beep As other commentators pointed out it is baffling that TomHardware site with aforementioned article is absolutely riddled with ads and horrible to read without any distractions. Site’s performance and UX be damned.

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@beep there's a big old cloud of irony over this of course - but - I'm glad such a big famous old and also bloaty website is running a story like this. More awareness, yes yes.



> "As the testing above shows, some of the most brutally intensive websites include ... and basically every major social media platform."

I take exception to that. Mastodon loads pretty damn quickly, and it's the only social media site _I_ use daily.

But yes, that article is pretty accurate, and most large players will respond "just use our mobile app instead" (with the unspoken part being 'so we can track and sell literally everything you do, visit, and say')

Ethan Marcotte

my love language is manually deleting all the tracking bullshit from a link before i text it to you

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Max Wheeler

@beep I’ve been using for opening links in specific apps/browsers and one of its glorious features is that it’ll strip tracking parameters from all opened/copied links.

Ethan Marcotte

when it’s been a long week and also it’s danged cold out

Ethan Marcotte

So here’s a thing that’s live:

I’ll have more to say about it soon, but for now I’ll say this:

I wrote this little book for you, for me, for all of us. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m really very proud of it. And I hope it’s helpful to you.

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Jake Rayson

@beep Wow, brilliant! ✊ Well done for having the conviction to take it on, important work, thank you

David Ham

@beep wow! Instant buy, I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Congratulations!

Ethan Marcotte

websites only need four pages at most i just decided

Ethan Marcotte

five pages is too many

six pages? no that’s a problem

just delete some of. those pages it’s okay

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