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2 posts total
Felix Urbasik

I gave KDE Plasma Mobile another go. It improved a LOT over the past few months. No crashes yet! It's a lot more stable now. Although not as stable as Phosh.

I like their whole "just copy Android" philosophy. Everything feels familiar and intuitive. I might keep it like this.

#KDE #Plasma #PlasmaMobile #postmarketOS #Phosh #Android #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux #LinuxOnMobile #Linux #OnePlus #OnePlus6

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@fell I play with it once in a while on (always dusty at that point) PinePhone. Every release makes it more stable and faster. Me likey.


@fell What popular apps are on Discover? Can Snap and Flatpak applications be installed?


@fell Do you still have to manually switch audio output if you attach headphones?

Felix Urbasik

This panel by @davidrevoy captures my ultimate #tabletop #RPG fantasy. I've had plenty of sessions online, but I would kill for a comfy weekend playing #PenAndPaper with a bunch of friends.

I don't care that I'm almost 31. I want this!

Read the webcomic here:

#ttrpg #roleplay #roleplaying #pnp #dnd


@fell @davidrevoy I'm reminded of the joke about D&D being attractive to people due to the availability of long rests :)

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