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12 posts total
Alice McFlurry :bc:

If COVID has taught us anything, it's that people should be wearing masks in all healthcare settings, COVID or not.

In addition, if you're coughing or experiencing any other symptoms and can't stay home, please ensure you wear a mask wherever you go.

It doesn't matter if it's COVID or not, it's a matter of respect to try to do everything within your power to not expose others to whatever you may have.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

If someone can boost this until the unmasked man at the airport with the hacking cough sees this, it would be greatly appreciated.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

I remember being so annoyed with Twitter in the late 2000s when it seemed like all of the posts were super boring with people just saying dull things like "eating a sandwich" and now we're in the TikTok age where the content is equally as mind-numbing, but now we also have to watch them eating those dumb sandwiches.

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@Alice There was an account I followed early on that every now and then would retweet like 100 tweets from different people saying “Eating toast” or some small variation thereof. Like most comedy, repetition was the key.

Programmer 832-529 🍅

@Alice And watching people reacting to watching people eating sandwiches.


@Alice I don’t get people here bashing TikTok. Don’t use it if you don’t like it. And if you do use it, what you’ll see is based on an algorithm that’s picked up on what’s kept your attention previously. Really folks. You’re telling on yourselves and making yourselves look foolish.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

Everyone seems to be obsessed with passive income but I’m set on passive-aggressive income, so you should probably pay me back if you care even the slightest amount about our friendship and how much I thought it meant to you.

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Pat Madigan 🇺🇸 🌊

@Alice I would like to pay you back, but all of my money is tied up in Star Wars collectibles.


Read at 14:38.

Two weeks later:
Hey we still on for tacos?

Alice McFlurry :bc:

It's not reassuring that doctors and lawyers only practice.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

I politely request that all gentlemen callers text me instead.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

Edit: Sorry to anyone who clicked. I meant to post this on my alt. Moved the photo over there.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

Normalize saying "I don’t know enough about the topic to be able to comment."

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Michael Porter

@Alice Irony, and people making the obvious joke 😄’s post, with the 78 comments icon circle in red.
Michael Porter

@Alice So, I was a high school science teacher. A fair number of students expected me to be an expert on all areas of science. I had to sort answers into six types:

1. I know that, here’s an easy answer

2. a) I know that, there’s a far deeper interpretation of that, here’s a learner-appropriate answer

2. b) After pushback on (a): “All models are wrong, some are useful” -George Box

3. I’m not sure, here’s a plausible answer and my percentage confidence that it’s right (I loved those answers)

4. No clue, lemme get back to you

5. No one knows, scientists love your question

6. We’ll probably never know, ask God when you see him 😉

@Alice So, I was a high school science teacher. A fair number of students expected me to be an expert on all areas of science. I had to sort answers into six types:

1. I know that, here’s an easy answer

2. a) I know that, there’s a far deeper interpretation of that, here’s a learner-appropriate answer

Alice McFlurry :bc:

I am going to die on this hill because it is very steep and I am incredibly out of shape.

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Andres Jalinton

I only have one Gmail invitation left :ablobsadpats:

panda ♥️ 🇪🇺


Google+ was the best social network out there.

The ability of creating circles gave so much control about who you share content with, it was amazing.



@Alice hm, might be time for them to launch Google++ that they've been working on behind closed doors 🤔

Alice McFlurry :bc:

I wrote a joke that I thought was funny but then I googled it and found something similar had already been posted because a time traveler stole it and posted it in the past to make it look like they beat me to it so I had to delete it.

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@Alice don't delete. We all have got the same thoughts by living in the same times and talking/reading about the same things. That's the joy about the Internet. Just speak your mind.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

[Finalizing the details of the Louisiana Purchase]

USA: The southern tip appears to be pretty susceptible to flooding…
France: Oh yeah, it totally floods almost every time it rains, but it comes with the territory!

Graham Lester

USA: I know a guy who can take care of that
France: We had a guy round last month and he only made it worse
USA: Our guy is great
France: Don't say we never warned you. . .

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