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Benjamin I hated it at the time, but the Google+ comment section on YouTube was kinda awesome.

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@hybridhavoc @Alice I miss Circles before Communities were introduced. We had made our own communities and they were great. You could share the circles you've carefully built (after starting with a circle somebody else had shared) and let others decide who's in the community for them. It worked very well until you could create Communities and people did and never came back to the already existing communities.

Mike Johnston

RIP G+ Wave Buzz and all the others they killed lol pour one out 🥃

CynAq Serious reply here, for some reason...

Google+ was the biggest marketing blunder I've ever experienced. All they had to do was to market it as "all of your Google experience in one place. It's the Google ecosystem hub!" and they'd be fine.

Instead they treated as a separate, facebook alternative service and dun goofed

rellik moo


Someone was offering them on MySpace


@Alice G+ was the best idea in social networking. But at my peak usage I had three circles with one person each.

steeph 🎆 ٩(˘◡˘)۶

@robbiewt I just added tons of people into circles with people who had the same interests as me. And people shared their circles with more people with the same interest. I had more than 1000 followers after a few months and less than 200 on Twitter after a couple of years at that time. To me G+ seemed to work great.

Ryan the hepcat

@Alice no but I have a few google wave invites.


@Alice not a joke, this was taken in my veterinarian’s lobby a few weeks ago “Please review us on Google+”

pmonks (330ppm)

@Alice @StefanThinks No, but I do have a Google Wave one, if you’re interested?


@Alice I was gonna joke that they actually still support Google + for business customers, under the name "Google Currents", but it turns out they have shut it down since I left google.


@Alice Sorry, I only have one for Google Wave.

remote procedure chris

@Alice ngl I liked google+, it was the first social network I used after facebook. Granted I'm sure it'd be as much of a fashy hell as the rest of google's platforms by now so maybe it's better that it died with dignity, but it was pleasant at the time

Lauren Weinstein

@Alice I've got a few. But you have to bring your own temporal converter.

Dave T-W

@Alice My Google Wave has lapsed, I'm afraid.


@Alice Hey 🧐 😁😔! That place was amazing. I was a Google+ Creator there too. Having collections to separate posts into topics that could be followed was such an awesome feature. Plus being able to have pages and communities

grow up to be, be a derailleur

@Alice sorry, I'm still too bitter over losing my precious Google Buzz community


I still have vivid souvenirs of the day a gentle stranger invited me on gmail, when it still was a happy few club. ;)


@Alice Ooh ooh me me!! I have one!! How about i send it to you through Hangouts? Or uh,wait i know,i can share it via audio form through Google Music! And then you can view it on Google Glass,those glasses that they- oh.

Alice McFlurry :bc:

@auginbirdtuga34 Can you take a photo of it and send it to me through Picasa?


@Alice Why yes i can!
*squints eyes*
Wait a minute...

Harish Narayanan

@Alice I feel personally attacked. I moved so much of my social media presence to this stupid place.

At least Google Photos fell came out of it and it’s still glorious.

Irenes (many)

@Alice we're told it still exists internally, it just isn't public anymore :/

chef 😎

It was actually a good idea at the time and some features were pretty cool.

Never took off properly though. 🤷

Ashley Odell

@Alice Google+ was honestly so good. It's just a shame that no one in Google's marketing department actually understood what it was!

Otto Rask

@Alice nah but I can get you a GMail invite

Celtic Fire

@Alice I think I did at some stage in dying embers of the last millennium…or maybe I’m getting confused 😉

Category M7GNG

@Alice I've said it before, and I'll say it again - Google+ would've won, if each comment thread was actually a Wave. If you remember Google Wave

Mwangangi, RN

@Alice If they had had a dark mode I would've been set!


@Alice Does Google+ still exist? They pushed that hard about 5 years ago. I'm probably a member, but I'd rather decline my application to the corporate Mickey Mouse Club

Andres Jalinton

I only have one Gmail invitation left :ablobsadpats:

panda ♥️ 🇪🇺


Google+ was the best social network out there.

The ability of creating circles gave so much control about who you share content with, it was amazing.



@Alice hm, might be time for them to launch Google++ that they've been working on behind closed doors 🤔

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