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Alice McFlurry :bc:

I remember being so annoyed with Twitter in the late 2000s when it seemed like all of the posts were super boring with people just saying dull things like "eating a sandwich" and now we're in the TikTok age where the content is equally as mind-numbing, but now we also have to watch them eating those dumb sandwiches.

The Turtle

@Alice omfg!!! Check out what I just added to my closet on PoshMark!!!!

kevin koni

@Alice wtf do you have against sandwiches?

Alice McFlurry :bc:

@koni I love sandwiches as long as I’m the one eating them. I don't want to watch someone else eating a stupid sandwich in their car.


@Alice @koni
pssst, you don't actually HAVE to watch.. 😄

kevin koni

@nachtet @Alice I’ll watch just about anything if a sandwich is involved.

Mx. Luna Corbden

@Alice Sounds like you're going on a wich hunt.

billy joe bowers - hates nazis


That hardly seems fair. Most of them are eating a sandwich to annoying music and dancing.

Soy los sueños del pavo

@Alice And surprise! I am not fat anymore from eating 50 sandwiches per sitting! It was a social experiment. Now watch my skinny ass eat this sandwich.

Diane 🕵


I'm over here watching a bunch of towns burn down due to out of control wildfires.

It makes me nostalgic for the boring posts about whats for lunch.

Sin Vega

@Alice somehow, theweekly called this in 2001


We are told that, in the age of multiple postal deliveries, the Victorians exchanged several, perhaps dozens of letters each day. It's interesting to think that the advent of electronic mail has afforded us a glimpse of how meaningless, empty and desperate those exchanges must have been.

Laura Whoops
Medea Vanamonde🏳️‍⚧️ ♀

@Alice in a decade you will not just be able to smell that sand which you will taste it and feel it slide down her throat and slash into stomach acid and feel deep down the peristaltic action of transference into her jejunum as the sandwich becomes one with you being one with her in the premium content that is eating my sandwich (now with 50% less mayo)


@Alice There was an account I followed early on that every now and then would retweet like 100 tweets from different people saying “Eating toast” or some small variation thereof. Like most comedy, repetition was the key.

Programmer 832-529 🍅

@Alice And watching people reacting to watching people eating sandwiches.


@Alice I don’t get people here bashing TikTok. Don’t use it if you don’t like it. And if you do use it, what you’ll see is based on an algorithm that’s picked up on what’s kept your attention previously. Really folks. You’re telling on yourselves and making yourselves look foolish.

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