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4 posts total
Somnius :server_tiger:

For folks outside the instance, I just added this blocklist to help combat the spam wave we've been experiencing:

If your instance is on the list you may not be able to interact normally with If you've handled the spam and would like to refederate please reach out to me!


@somnius if you block an instance, do your toots still make it to that instance?

Matt Mascarenhas

@somnius Thanks to @neauoire for boosting, Somnius yourself for posting and linking to the list, and to @ErikUden for compiling the list in the first place.

As someone who hasn't seen a single ripple of this spam wave, this is a real clear-cut case of "when the system runs smoothly for us, our way in to acknowledging there's a problem is by listening to those for whom it is gummed up". For which I must also thank my own admin @trumpet!

Somnius :server_tiger:

I missed the actual day but: happy 5 years, Merveilles! :D

Our town has certainly grown and it's been lovely seeing all the amazing stuff people have been doing and making. It's always a joy hopping back in and seeing what folks are talking about. Can’t believe this instance would still be running and running mostly well ever since then.

I hope you're all having a fantastic end of the year! :merveillesbg:

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@somnius thanks for keeping us afloat all these years!


@somnius thank you so much for running it, met so many wonderful people here :)


@somnius I'm so grateful for this space, I don't post often but I learn so much from reading here

Somnius :server_tiger:

Hey Merveilles folks, seeing another high influx in reports of spam from Until that gets sorted out, I have silenced that domain.

You may see follows from users as "follow requests" instead of normal follows, and some other changed behavior, that's expected. Let me know if you have any questions!

Somnius :server_tiger:

Patreon: $180.75
OpenCollective: $50.11
Liberapay: $0
Ko-Fi: $28.20

Total: $259.06

DigitalOcean: $53.00

Total: $53.00

Income to Date

Costs to Date

Money left over

Somnius :server_tiger:

It's been… quite the year. In spite of that, Merveilles has been a wonderful refuge from the horrors of the world.

A huge thank you to everyone on the instance, donor or no, for continuing to make this space the best corner on the internet.

If you have anything you'd like to see me focus on this year, or have any feedback for how things are being run, please let me know!

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